Ask Me Anything

with Huberman Lab Premium

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Dietary cholesterol

It seems science says dietary cholesterol almost does not affect blood cholesterol and lipid profile. However, people following low carb and high fat diets such as keto usually have higher cholesterol values. How are these two facts matching? Am I misunderstanding something?

Psoriasis, is it really an illness?

Psoriasis is known as a skin illness but recently doctors are talking about it as an autoimmune illness affecting the skin and related to joints and cardiovascular issues. I wonder if it might be more a symptom of a broader issue rather than just a skin illness. Could you bring us up to date with this matter? Can behaviors improve psoriasis?

Warming the hands and feet 🥶

Howdy! The winter season has arrived and I, along with many others, are faced with the challenge of staying warm. I've long suffered from what I suspect to be Raynaud's phenomenon, particularly in my hands and feet, and would like to ask: What tools, exercises, and/or lifestyle changes are helpful for improving blood flow to one's extremities? Big thanks to everyone involved with the podcast!

The critical voice inside

I'd love an episode on the origins of the critical voice in their heads that so many people have, how it affects people, the variety of ways it manifests, and what is known about how to deal with it. I know it can drive people to suicide, causes continual stress for others, and still others see it as essential to their productivity or safety by warning them away from saying or doing stupid things. Does it even have to exist? Are there people who do not have such a voice in their heads? What is life like for them?

Autism Spectrum and ADHD follow up

Follow up on my question about ASD and ADHD. Would you please consider this episode through the neurodiversity lens in this paper: We get told that autism is characterized by "deficits," but in reality many autistics have strengths that neurotupicals don't. One relevant quote from the paper: "But autistics uniquely are seen as patho­logical when displaying significant or dramatic strengths, creating for autistics a nearly insur­mountable disadvantage or disability not faced by non-autistics... This tendency to interpret autistic performance negatively is seen further in the research literature on autistic intelligence, which demonstrates that it is often the research design itself that is the cause of the issue."