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Learning at 70

I am 70 and considering returning to college to get my 2nd Masters. What do you think the success rate of something like this…learning, recall, energy. I love to learn or why would I do it and/or why would I love your show….but sometimes I wonder can returning to school enhance my brain, or is it as foolish several people have said to me.

Kava (piper methysticum)

I would be very interested in the studies of Kava and its benefits. Anxiolytic, stress relieving, sleep, etc. Along with the issues that came along with the issues of liver and cholesterol studies that have been shown as bad studies caused by poor and incorrect extraction processes of the plant. Has been a savior for my for anxiety and stress, believe it can help others as well.

Puckering of the macula

Do you know of anything I can do to improve my vision with a diagnosis of puckering of the macula in my right eye? I was offered surgery and was basically talked out of it by the retina specialist, saying they could never repair it completely, and there was only a 50% chance of any improvement at all. I see double unless I close my right eye, and I feel my vision is progressively deteriorating.

Elemental Diest for SIBO

Please discuss the benefits and efficacy of the elemental diet vs. other treatments for treating SIBO and other intestinal disorders.

Tools to improve cognitive stamina

Are there techniques to improve cognitive stamina. I am a young engineer and 95% of my job involves heavy analysis and problem solving. Consequently I often feel mentally depleted well before the end of the work day. I feel that I have already covered the basics, regular exercise, 7-8 hours of sleep, morning sunlight, etc. Are there any others tools/factors to consider? Thanks