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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Accessing recovery ability

You’ve said you have a poorer athletic recovery ability than others, how did you come to know that? Any specific markers? How can we access our own recovery ability and how can we maximise it?

Future podcast executive function

Beautiful morning while viewing your podcast titled enhance creativity I would like to know more about executive function while watching a Ted talk video produced five years ago with speaker Stephanie see a RLSON she spoke to executive function and the brain in early learners I would like to know if you could have Ms. CARLSON to discuss update creativity executive function in the early brain developing brain?

(L)-glutamine before bed

Hi, dr. H! Listening your podcasts, I learn that not eating at least 2 hours before sleep will help HGH release. I read that taking l-glutamine before bed will help HGH, too. But also that l-glutamine makes insuline spike, and this somehow seems opposite to the "go to bed fasted". Can you enlighten me, because I'm obviously missing a piece of the puzzle? Thanks in advance!

migraine and other related headache

I would love to watch an episode covering subject of migraine and other related headaches. Where do they come from, what do we know today about possible prevention, where are we (hehe) heading? As a person with many years of a regular, one-sided headaches and after unsuccessful treatments with local doctors I would love to hear some recent scientific data, possibly helping me prevent the pain in the future.

Toolkit for dealing with high levels of neuroticism

Could you please provide any scientific information on neuroticism, and a toolkit to help people manage high levels of neuroticism?