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Happy Birthday!!!!

Happy Birthday Dr. Andrew Huberman. Hope you enjoy your day today. Very thankful for all that you do in mental health and neurosciemce

Transcripts and voice-language change

Dear Mr. Huberman, I like your podcasts, but sometimes I find it difficult to understand in English (I am working on it! =) ) Would you be opened to Transcript all podcasts using AI and then use voice AI to make voice again in other languages? Or maybe there is a way how to do it straight away Voice - > Voice. Thank you. Best regards, Filip

Change unconscious habits

Hi Dr. Huberman, I wonder if science can shed light on changing habits that we do unconsciously. I'm thinking about changing my sleeping posture. I'm used to sleeping with rounded and raised shoulders, and when I wake up and throughout the day, I experience shoulder pain. I've tried changing my posture in bed, but I can't seem to fall asleep. When I'm about to fall asleep, I feel the urge to change my posture and adopt the position I want to change, but it's something I do almost unconsciously.

Bad sleep due to hard workout

Hello, I've been listening to the podcasts dedicated to sleep, but I can't seem to find an explanation for this situation: why is it that on hard training days (1h of crossfit), I sleep much worse than on any other day? I even follow the recommended behavior tips, such as getting natural light exposure as early as possible and for most of the day, avoiding screens for at least 2 hours before bedtime, having an early dinner, etc. Sleeping poorly in this case means waking up many times during the night, not finding a comfortable position in bed and tossing and turning, waking up after about 3 hours and not being able to fall back asleep, and sometimes not being able to fall asleep at all. Do you have any ideas about possible reasons for this? Any advice on incorporating habits to improve it? Do you recommend any supplements? Thank you, Doctor.

Which non-human animals are the most interesting to you?

Professor Huberman, I think it would be great if you could do an AMA topic on which non-human animals are most interesting to you! Either because of their nervous system, evolutionary path, social interactions, anything! Thank you, -Blade Brady