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What is the optimal sleep schedule and protocol given that I **have** to sleep late 1 day a week?

Like many others I assume they like having fun on the weekends. Unfortunately, due to reasons out of my control -- most events happen in the evening and end really late (for me 2am). If it were up to me I'd start it at 1pm and end it 5pm -- but odd societal stereotypes are hard to shift (but your podcast is helping I hope). In my specific case it is latin dancing nights. I already cosume zero alcohol, no drugs etc. I do this for the pure joy of dancing. I assume others have similar reasons to break their sleep schedules. Given this, is a optimal protocol to sleep say at 11-12pm every day (and have a normal 9-5, but on the weekend on a *single* day sleep in or whatever is needed that day) or just shift the entire sleep schedule to sleeping at 2:30am (say waking up at 10am or 11am)? At this point I am in a fork deciding if considering if consistent sleep schedule is most important (even if we are not in phase with the sun perfectly, in fact losing quite a few hours if we wake up at 10am or 11am) or being in phase with the sun. I am aware that being in phase with the sun + consistency is the global optimum - but given my circumstance to live a deep meaningful life I need to make some changes.


Why people sigh while running and in everyday situations. what is the mechanism of this phenomenon? Thank You for amazing job professor!

Ideal Body Fat Percentage

What is the ideal body fat percentage? Keep up the great work!


Can you comment on the usefulness of Lumen system of metabolism tracking please.

Myo-inositol - will it cause difficulty in sleeping?

Was having problem falling back to sleep whenever I woke up in the middle of the night around 2-3am, so I decided to try 1g of myo-inositol about 1 hour before sleeping. However, I ended up barely able to sleep through the night. The mind seems to be alert and restless. Is it a possible side effect of inositol? I did not dare to try it a 2nd time.