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sunlight thru a window

why is it fine to watch the sunlight with eyeglasses but not thru windows? any difference if they are (clear) single pane vs double pane?


Does a vasectomy affect your virility and aging process?

Best workout plan knowing you won't sleep well before or after?

Which would you pick if you had to and why: 1. Working out after 4-5 hours of sleep 2. Working out well rested, but knowing that night you will only get 4-5 hours of sleep This situation has come up a lot for me, and I've never known from a scientific point of view which is best. I know niether is optimal, but sometimes there isn't a choice.

Smart phones and social media use particularly in kids.

Can you address the neuroscience connected to smartphones and social media use in kids? How does everything from texting and messaging to social media use (either one sided use - watching but not engaging, to fully engaged) impact brain development and mental health of kids? And are there studies showing how this effects kids at various ages?

"Brain Fog"

In a recent episode you mentioned that taking too many probiotics can lead to "brain fog." This is a condition that a lot of people seem to suffer from, but is so ill-defined it's hard to know what it is exactly (or if it is even real). Are you aware of any studies on brain fog, potential causes (other than probiotics) and potential treatments? Thank you!