I have amblyopia because I was anisometropic (have had PRK to put lens at same level to aid training). Is there any credence to using psychedelics and meditative practices to invoke neuroplasticity? How do vision evoked potential tests work to test eye health?
You say sticking to the same feeding schedule is very important. I usually use a 15/9 fasting schedule, (7pm - 10am fast) but 2-3 times per week I am doing 20/4. Is this messing up my circadian rhythm etc and am I better off sticking to the same everyday. I’ve been doing the longer fasting sessions to try and promote autophagy 2-3 days per week. How long does one need to fast for to put the body into autophagy and what the best strategy to achieve this? Always love the content and learned so much from your podcast. Thanks!