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Coffee and intermittent fasting

Satchin Panda, whose work I believe you're familiar with, has advocated against drinking coffee/tea while intermittent fasting. Here's a link to his discussion on the subject: I believe that other than delaying the morning caffeine intake, you've been less worried about coffee interfering with intermittent fasting. Can you explore these different takes on the effect of coffee on intermittent fasting and maybe give us some things to look out for or to pay attention to in order to figure out what works for us in the whole landscape of intermittent fasting/waking up/caffeine intake?

Can graves disease be cured behaviorally or holistically? If so, what is the protocol?

If you have very high thyriod antibodies......? Is there anything you can do with nutrition (food, supplements), behaviorally (life style changes) to reverse graves disease and cure it? What is your prespective that causes it? And why is hashiimoto (hypothyriodism) seem to have a lot of science to reverse and cure, but not graves disease? Any other suggestions again to keep from radiating or removal of the thyriod that is science based or a direction I can research or place to consult with?

You never shared a treatment for cluster headaches.

The headache episode was interesting, but zero of the treatment protocols were specific to cluster headaches. The closest was a general vibe that omega 3s might help all types of headache. I’m bummed out as I suffer cluster type headaches chronically. Also you did say you would discuss specific treatment for all types of headache and specifically discussed cluster. I already take omega 3 and creatine. Thanks Dr.

Toolkit for recommended medical screening

I would love to see you put together a comprehensive toolkit for which different blood work and medical screenings you think would be recommended for all people by age (i.e. in each decade of life) and at what frequency. These come up in many different of your episodes, but it would be nice for them to be aggregated into one list, perhaps in a place that you could update periodically as you learn of new tests or changes to past recommendations. Thanks! I love your work.

Kidney Function testing is unreliable

Kidney function testing “Gold” standards have been EGFR based on Creatinine. This is so variable from person to person some medical professionals are starting to pay it little attention. EGFRs based on Cystain C are shown to be much more reliable. I’d love to hear a deep dive in Kidney function, testing, and how to improve it if we find it declining. The amount of People on Dialysis with associated cost are STAGGERING.