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High mercury levels

I'm 28y old and I've been pescatarian for almost 10 years. I recently did the Nutreval test and my mercury levels are 4 times higher than the recommended limit. What are the most common causes of high mercury levels and what are some effective ways to treat it (weaning off a pescatarian diet will be hard for me since it's my only and preferred source of protein as I'm allergic to eggs and don't eat any other meat). Thank you!

Can music make you addicted and what effect does it have on dopamine?

Can music make you addicted, just like social media, drugs or porn, so that you want to consume more and more to get high again? If so, does consumption change, for example switching from relaxed music to hardstyle to get a better feeling (referring to social media or porn, that someone has to see something more exciting to get a high). Can music change the dopamine base line? Can dopamine be leveraged through music, so that one performs better (e.g. in sports)? Will there be a crash afterwards? In addition, what are the health effects of headphones and volume levels if they are worn most of the time.

Atrial Fibrillation - Severely dilated left atrium. refraction 36%

I've had 4 cardio versions which have restored a normal heart rhythm for 30 days and the A-fib returns. The beta blockers dull my brain which sucks. 200mg of Amiodorne twice a day and 50mg of Metropol with a twice daily dose of a blood thinner. My body rejects the blood thinner making me feel like a 1000 needles are in my stomach lining. The cardiologist freaks out that I don't take them. My question- Are there any new options to restore a normal heart rhythm? Can you recommend any natural supplements that would help? my next step is an ablation and then a micro scarring of the heart. in 2008 to 2010 I completed lots of triathlons with the pinnacle being the 1/2 Ironman in Oceanside. Since that time I've averaged 5 days a week of hard cardio until the irregular heart rhythm diagnosis 7 months ago. I would like to get back to my normal energy. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Your podcast and conversations with Tim Ferris have had a very positive impact on my life. Thank you


My questions is around ED. How to figure out the type of ED one has. If its reversible. If long term use of substances like tadalafil a sildenafil have other health implications. Also on supplements like horny goat weed, especially for people over 40. An ED toolkit would be amazing.

Interaction Between Breathing Techniques?

I am 27 and have the goal of obtaining a difficult and respected certification (CFA) in my industry while working full time. Thus, I’m dealing with the stress of work while studying early mornings, nights and weekends. I have been employing some breathing techniques you’ve described for managing stress as well as step one in your ‘nueroplasticity super protocol’ for learning. I am wondering if they might somehow counteract each other if used back-to-back. For example, this morning I did 5-minutes of what I believe you call physiological cycling (physiological sigh on repeat) prior to my study session. Then a few minutes later, I completed the breathing technique in step 1 of the protocol mentioned above. Is it possible for the second breathing technique to reduce the stress reduction benefits from the physiological cycling performed prior to it? Thanks for all you do- I have learned so many useful things from you!