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I noticed there are no reply's regarding NMN, is there a reason for that?

Gluten, leaky gut, blood brain barrier and leaky brain

Consumption of gluten triggers the release of zonulin which increases gut permeability leading to leaky gut. In the episode #86 you discussed the health risks of leaky gut caused by alcohol consumption. Given the cause of leaky gut by gluten/zonulin, isn't the consumption of gluten a much bigger issue for much bigger part of population than just celiaks? Also, is it true that gluten exorphins formed during gluten digestion can cross the blood brain barrier and cause the so-called leaky brain and other issues?

Is too much protein bad for you?

Is there any evidence that too much protein is bad for health?

Nicotine Patch for ADHD/Focus Revised

Why are nicotine patches not brought up as a solid way to access the benefits of nicotine more often? I recently posted a question in the AMA (Nicotine Patch for ADHD/Focus). I would like to ask it again and add some information to it. Nicotine is a stimulant and can enhance certain cognitive functions, such as attention, memory, and processing speed. We know that this is due to its effects on the release of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine and norepinephrine, which are involved in regulating attention and motivation. While nicotine has been studied as a potential treatment for ADHD, there is limited research specifically on the use of nicotine patches for ADHD. Most of the research on nicotine and ADHD has been done using other forms of nicotine, such as gum or inhalers. One study published in the Journal of Attention Disorders in 2013 found that nicotine patches improved cognitive functioning in adults with ADHD, including attention, working memory, and response inhibition. However, this was a small study with only 15 participants. Another study published in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology in 2010 found that nicotine patches improved cognitive functioning in children with ADHD who had a particular genetic variation that affects the brain's dopamine system. However, this was a small study with only 26 participants. I have heard many sources speaking on the benefits of nicotine for focus. Usually this comes along with the statement that the delivery methods typically carry negative side effects. I currently use Adderall for my adult ADHD but on lower workload days, I supplement my usage with a 7mg/24hr nicotine patch and it works VERY well as an alternative.

8 sleep & EMF's

Hi Andrew! My question is about 8sleep. i know you have stoped using your blue tooth headphones and keep your phone away from you body since doing a deep dive on EMF's. Can't wait for that ep BTW! I LOVE the concept of 8sleep (being a 51 year old menopausal woman) but i would be very concerned about the EMF's emitted (even though within regulations. I don't trust what regulators deem safe) I turn off the WI FI at night and 8sleep needs wifi to work. No hardwire option. Im wondering why you feel it's safe to sleep with EMF's so close to your body in rest, no matter if the regulations tell you so? Thank you for impacting my life in such a beautiful way! Hope to see you live some day. I was born at Stanford hospital, raised in Portola Valley. My parents are still alive there and we visit often so LMK!! My husband Embry Rucker knows and works with your pall Chris Ray BTW!! LOVE YOU HUBES... YOU ARE THE FREKING BEST !!! You may regret having me as a premium member!! AMA maniac right here!