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ApoB and other metrics

Hi Andrew, you discussed ApoB with Peter Attia vs. other markers for heart health. Are u willing to share your numbers for any or all of those? I know everybody's different, but I'm just assuming your markers are going to be close to optimal for healthy middle-aged men (to share with my brothers). If u prefer to keep your labs private I totally get it, but would be remiss if I didn't ask. Ty.

Topical Magnesium

There are a handful of companies that create magnesium lotions from Magnesium Chloride (as opposed to oxide in Epsom salts). The benefits are allegedly enhanced when absorbed topically, and the risk of toxicity seriously diminished. Some of the benefits purported such as energy, muscle oxygenation, muscle contraction, injury risk reduction and skeletal strength seem to go beyond what is advertised for oral supplementation. Are these lotions modern snake oil, or is there some truth to these claims? It seems my recovery time after intense bouts of running is cut in half, but I can’t tell if that is anymore than the “inferior” Epsom salt bath.

Study contradicting ideal sleep position for glymphatic washout

Dear Professor Huberman and team, I was reading about the glymphatic washout system and would appreciate a point of clarification. In a couple of episodes, Professor Huberman recommends sleeping with feet slightly elevated to enhance clearing out of metabolic waste from the brain (via glymphatic system). (specific timestamps within links and The studies I read that appear to be best cited in this relatively new field seem to point towards sleeping with head slightly elevated as being superior in this regard. Understandably the science is new and we're all still learning, but I'd be keen to get your expert opinion on what could be causing a directly opposite finding (versus a more typical "findings are in the same ballpark"). Specifically one (reasonably well-cited) study is this one. "We found that mice positioned with their body at a 45 ° angle with the nose down also exhibited significantly less of a reduction of brain lactate compared to mice resting horizontally in the prone position (P = 0.02, Figure 3(c))." Apologies in advance if I've misread the literature myself - I definitely view that as a plausible outcome! Finally - thank you for what you do for public health education, and for getting us all interested in science :) Best regards, Edwin

Night shifter

I have listened and watched many of your talks, but I am a night shifter working 12hr shifts. How can I apply (ie. allow my mind and body the benefit of) your principles when I am most often living on the dark side of the 24hr cycle?

throat clearing

Can you please explain why some people always need to clear their throat. It happens it me sometimes and my children but not always. Enough to be annoying.I think other members of my family did it. I lived in SF for about 10 years and ma Huang (ephedra) was a fashionable thing to consume. Rather regret that n however I remember a friend coming to stay and he said, "Oh you don't clear your throat anymore" . I thought you said it was related to turrets ? The ma huang would have been elevating dopamine I guess. I feel like my teenage son does it a lot when under pressure with sport and school. Thanks