Ask Me Anything

with Huberman Lab Premium

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About episode #21

Hi. In the episode 21 (00:32:25 The Critical Role of Adrenaline/Epinephrine, But NOT from Adrenal Glands ) Andrew says that the common belief that fat is mobilised due to systemic adrenalin circulation is demolished. And this mobilisation occur by direct innervation of fat cells by sympathetic nervous system (and adrenalin released from its neurons). Could you please provide me with a reference to the scientific source that proved that. I really need it for my work.

Just to show my appreciation

Not necessarily a question (sorry for clogging up the feed), but noticed a lot of others doing the same and feel that the reverberation is important. Your podcast is a weekly staple and has been tremendously helpful to me over the past year and a half. Having someone with your understanding provide actionable tips/protocols for brain health in a way that speaks plainly—while respecting listeners’ intelligence and not dumbing down the science—makes a meaningful impact on peoples’ lives. Setting aside the protocols for brain and general health, the podcast provides valuable information just on how to communicate (your definition of an intellectual is consistently apparent). As indicated by this extra ripple in the pond: thanks for all you do and hope to hear much more.

Opinions on museums?

What’s your opinion on museums? Really engaging with museums can require consistently dilating/focusing your gaze if you’re trying to get a good impression of a part of an image or the image as a whole. You’ve mentioned on a few podcasts about the science of focus/dilation (#57, AMA#6), but I’m curious to know if this particular act has any positive effects on vision (e.g., for individuals with good vision, circumventing the effects of declining eye health: myopia/hyperopia). Additionally, does visually dialing in on parts of an piece and then drawing back to see the whole piece have benefits for mental thinking (being able to attend/focus while still being able to see “the bigger picture”)?

Long term effects on dopamine and reward system from drugs addiction/abuse

Hi. I admire what you do. You changed my life to better.. i improved my sleep, i reduced severe migraine attacks, i quit smoking cannabis, i drink more water in the proper timing of the day... and many more improvements going on. The positive impact from your work on peoples lives is enormous! Thank you so much! I have been doing drugs recreationaly from very young age. At 15 I started smoking cannabis, at 18 I started taking amphetmines at parties and later at about 20 years old also cocaine. I tried LSD and other drugs occasionally. But amphetamines and cocaine were regular, every weekend for about 10 years until I had my first child. Now I am 40 years old and dont do any hard drugs, since 6-7 years ago. I dont smoke cannabis since several months ago. I occasionally drink alcohol, like once in a month. In the past many years I feel like my dopamine levels are very low. I am not motivated, rarely happy, my humor is almost non existent, i rarely get excited about things. And that is very strange taking into account that I live good life (i love my husband, my children and my family is healthy, we are doing financially great, i have many friends that i love..). But something inside is wrong. I suspect that the drug abuse done in the past have made some permanent damage. So my question is: is it possible to get to the old happy me, by increasing the dopamine basic levels and repairing the reward system in the brain? Or the damage is permanent? Many thanks

Alcohol (or drug addiction)

I have listened to many of your podcasts, and they are terrific. I have spread the word. However, one frustration, you have talked a great deal about addiction, but I can't seem to find a concise view on the best way to stop drinking (or using)? Can you provide a summary of how you would help someone with an addiction problem (Alcohol is my primary concer). Thank you.