Ask Me Anything

with Huberman Lab Premium

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I would love to see a full episode dedicated to perimenopause & menopause. Please include a discussion of HRT pros & cons (now that the WHI has been recognized as highly flawed) along with other pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic strategies to manage symptoms.


Could you please review the literature around adaptogens like maca, ashwagandha & medicinal mushrooms?

Binge Eating Disorder & Bulimia

Could you please address the role of restriction (both physical & psychological) in perpetuating the binge-purge cycle? This is an important factor for many and was not mentioned in your previous episode on binge eating disorder.

Lighting options for northern latitudes

Here in Canada, the winter months are dark and cold. I tend to wake around 5:45. It’s easy for me to get sunlight exposure within the first 30-60 min of waking in the summer, but impossible during the fall & winter. Could you please review some economical lighting/lightbox options that can be used indoors before the sun comes up?

Reversing affects of chronic cannabis use

I just listened to your most recent podcast about cannabis. It’s was extremely insightful. I’ve been using cannabis daily for the past 6 years. I’m currently being treated for anxiety, low t, and low libido and cognitive rehab. After listening to your podcast I’m fairly certain most if not all of this is related to my cannabis use. Are my symptoms reversible after quitting cannabis? Thanks in advance