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Why do we feel lonely? What can we do to overcome loneliness if we are truly without family or close friends?

Fluid intelligence

Hi doc, my name is meni, I’m a huge fan and you’ve literally changed my life for the better, love your work so much god bless you, I wanted to ask you about fluid intelligence, based on the research and maybe the power of neuroplasticity to change the brain as you thought us is it possible to increase one’s iq through any learning or experience of any kind, I’m so confused at this point after searching this topic online and reading conflicting information on the subject, thank you so much again, much love

Neurotoxicity of various amphetamines

Andrew, I firstly want to commend you on running a very good podcast. I’ve learned a lot from you and your guests over the last few years. I’d like to get your help addressing an issue that is very important to myself and other people I know. The question that I have is: Based on quality peer reviewed studies, Can we assess the RELATIVE risk of neurotoxicity for normal therapeutic doses of: dextroamphetamine, mixed amphetamine salts, and methamphetamine? You have stated in your podcasts that methamphetamine is neurotoxic. This is something I have spent a LOT of time researching. I am prescribed and have been using Desoxyn for a couple years, after failing treatment on every other medication indicated for ADHD. I have yet to find literature that demonstrates neurotoxicity for normal therapeutic doses in humans. All of the research I have found looks at extremely high doses that you would maybe see with a drug abuser. Some studies look at super high doses in animals. Some studies look at known drug abusers, which obviously don’t control for dose or purity, so those results are not useful. It doesn’t seem fair to extrapolate results from these studies to my situation, but I still have a lot of concern for my health. My prescribing doctor suggests that methamphetamine is not harmful when used in the way that I am using it. Am I really damaging my brain, and should I look for more alternatives? Are there studies that you know of that can better explain how one amphetamine drug is more neurotoxic than others, and at what dosages? I would really like your help getting some clarification on this. I understand that it will be extremely controversial to bring this up on your podcast, and I can only imagine the backlash you would experience if you made any statements about methamphetamine that suggest it is anything other than evil. If you must use discretion and address my question on this member platform, or even privately, please do so. “Meth is the devil” - That is the common perception of methamphetamine, and the abuse of this drug has been so widespread and destructive, that may never change. I acknowledge that. But you must realize that for me and a number of others, it has been a godsend. I can present several studies to suggest advantages of methamphetamine over other drugs for ADHD. The main disadvantage is the stigma, and the price. If there are real health risks, for me, that can be scientifically demonstrated, that would change my view. Please consider my question and request with an open mind, knowing that I only want to make the best decision for myself and my family that is backed by real science. Thank you.


How to recognise a person may commit a suicide? What are the mechanics of suicide? What drive people to it? Is there anything to recognise and prevent it?

Best supplement for a woman in her seventies.

What do you think is the most important supplement one could take as a woman in her seventies?