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with Huberman Lab Premium

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THC & Sleep

Can you dedicate a whole episode to pregnancy/breastfeeding?

Specifically how do hormones change, how to optimize health during these times for ourselves and offspring, what to eat/not to eat, how to exercise when you have relaxin making everything more flexible, etc etc

RED-S and secondary amenorrhea

Hi Andrew! First, thank you so so much for your amazing evidenced-based podcast. I was wondering if you could provide any information/data about how quickly a female with secondary amenorrhea due to RED-S can bring back her cycle. Additionally, to what extent would she have to reduce training and increase energy consumption to make this happen? Thank you!

Sacrifice in order to achieve Academic Success

Hi Andrew, I would like to ask you about whether you had to sacrifice things that you loved in order to achieve a succesful career as a professor and researcher. The question may seem simple in retrospective. But I'm facing a dilemma with what seems very limited information. Because of an unfortunate event I will no longer be able to remain training combat sports under the tutelage of my coach. What begun as a simple search for a new gym and program last week, reignited in my mind a very tough question. Is this conducive to achieve my goals? I'm a third year student of Sport Science in Spain. My goal since I started the career was to help other individuals and society as a whole to live a longer, healthier more fulfilled life through sports, physical activity and movement in general. This is a very laudable purpouse, but also very vague and abstract. Last semester I started working in the lab as a volunteer in a doctorate about blood flow restriction in cardiovascular training and it's possible benefits for treating high blood pressure. Working at the lab has been a great experience, not only I enjoy the work itself but tying to help awnser questions that have not been awsered before ignites my curiosity in a newfound way. I love my field of study, I love teaching, I'm extremely curious, I'd love to be a knowlegable and eloquent person and I've recently found a possible career fo fulfill al of these things. Problem is, I don't think I'm currently a good enough student to achieve it. Don't get me wrong, I have good marks and I go to class and study with a burning dessire to attain as much knowlege as possible. But going from being a good student to a great one has felt impossible while working and specially training for hours almost every day. My social life has become almost none existing outside of the gym or university because of it. I've become a better person trhough fighting, I even chose my career because of it. It has helped me to be more confident and curious. But I find myself in a place where I don't know whether continuing to train will make me fall short of my dreams and purouse or whether not doing it will rob me of important lessons that will be necessary alongside studying. As a clarification, when I say 'stop training' I'm not talking about not taking reasonable care of my body and fitness levels. That would be hypocritical with my goals. Neither I'm closing the door to retake this passion once I've better settled my future. Just wanted to ask, difficult as it is to awnser, whether a younger Andrew would've sacriffice something that he truly loved doing in order to achieve the position in which he seats today. If you ever read this, thank you for everything you're doing Andrew! P.S.: English is not my first language, I hope I have expressed myself correctly.

Natural ways to decrease blood pressure

Hi Andrew. In januar my doctor send me to the cardiologist because of low pulse. The cardiologist tell me that i have high blood pressure. At that time i had 155/105 mmHG and pulse around 45 bpm. My cardiologist wanted to put me on pills and i hesitated i wanted to do natural ways to handle that. I am a 41 years old male. I did a keto diet in 2018 and i went down with weight at that time from 95kg > 75 kg. In the start i was mostly eating fats and protein. After a few month i started to loose fats from my diet, because i see with the caloric intake i need to more focus on protein. I started to also get a bit more active at that time. I allways had some higher numbers for holesterol and fats in my blood. Somehow in the corona and after my diet my fats went also a bit up. I assume that the fats and high blood pressure are the result of my diet. Back to january this year, when i was at the cardiologist. After that visit i started to run every day, and in every run i am going to get my heart beat to about 150. I have changed my diet, i lowered the intake of processed meats and processed foods in general and thus getting the salt intake to the lowest possible. I focus on getting more vegetables to consume also. The lab results of my blood showed a significant drop in holesterol levels in january. The health of my heart apparently started to be more dynamic. I have arrythimas about once a month, and since running the arythimias are gone in a about a minute or few, where previously i had them for a few minutes and also to one hour. After running my heart rate is now falling way faster like 50bpm in <1minute. My vo2max is around 35. My blood pressure went down in february to about 140/90 and is since staying there. Last two months it even got a bit higher. i assume it is because of stress at work. I would like to know what natural ways i can get blood pressure down? Thank you for the work you do.