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I have adhd and I'm self medicating with meth. The ministry of family and child services took my son and is playing a game of power and control. I know oxytocin has the bonding effects when in natural birth, but I know there has to be more maternal,mother instincts and mother nature, that's damaging and effecting the child.


Why do most people build up a tolerance for caffeine? Also, once building up a tolerance, does the impact of the drug on sleep diminish? Also, as someone who is very sensitive to caffeine, why don't I build up a tolerance?


I was excited to try AG1. Today I had my first glass and was pleasantly looks absolutely awful! My question is, I have been on Lexapro for probably 25 years (currently 57). In reading, it says some people should not use AG1 (antidepressants was on the list). I am bummed and am hoping that it's not anything to worry about. Any input is appreciated!


Does your team or any team you respect have any hard data to support this supplement for the, "Zombie Cells?" If so, what are your recommendations? Best, Tiffany

How to hold off going to the bathroom while focusing on cognitive work?

Dr. Huberman, In your discussion of improving focus, you've mentioned before that you attempt to wait to use the restroom until the end of a focused work bout. Do you have suggestions for how you are able to hold off going to the restroom for longer? Obviously, limiting fluid intake before work would help, but I also know how important it is to stay hydrated. Thank you!