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When to take Supplements?

I was told to take my vitamine (also magnesium and zinc) together with some food to absorb them the best. Now I start to take AG1 , should i eat something with it for better absorption or can I break my fast with it and don't worry about absorption? Is there any time of the day in wich it is better to take or not to take certain supplements? (thx and sry about my broken english)

I want to get into the field of neuroscience

Hello Andrew, i've always been in interested in Neuroscience but when i was in school i didn't take it very serious and drifted away from going to college to study the field, im now 28 and was wondering what would be your advice for someone considering possibly starting college at my age with not much money saved up to pay for school to become a neuroscientist, i know for me it would be a fulling for cause of my interest in science in general, what are your thoughts on someone my age starting college specifically for neuroscience and what path do you recommend?

Modifying Motor Programming

Are there any protocols for modifying existing motor programming to go down the re-learning curve faster?

Can you explain the funding process behind scientific research and how experiments are decided?

When it comes to promising and natural treatments, such as ginseng, fermented foods, ashwagandha, etc., there seems to be little clinical research on the strength and efficacy of these substances. Can you explain why these aren't researched using the scientific method, despite thousands of years of historical and anecdotal evidence showing promise in these treatments? Who decides what gets researched? Is there any way to democratize this process more? It feels like a lot of scientific research has the ultimate goal of creating capital gain, rather than moving humanity's progress forward. Would you agree with that?

Does flow override ultradian cycles?

Can you maintain flow state throughout the ~20 min dips between ultradian cycles/rhythms?