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Parasomnia Guidebook

Why do paramsomnias occur and what's the reason it only affects a specific group of people? What does modern science have to say about it? How do you eradicate the problem?

A testosterone boosting hack

They say sleeping naked is good for your health, but where are your testicles resting? Using your blanket, take the center edge and place it under your scrotum so your testicle are resting on the blanket. Then you take the other ends of edge of your blanket and cover your body. What this does is elevate your jewels away from your body while you sleep. I have been doing this hack for 2 weeks now and have seen a benefit in my weight lifting workouts.

Training one side of the body

Hi Dr. Huberman, few months ago I sustained a collarbone fracture during a bike race. Recovery, surgery included, has been a long process. I had been advised by personal trainer to keep training the other side of my body, and legs (I am a competitive cyclist but I also workout). I searched online, and it appears that general consensus is yes, you can, and have to train the other side of the body to 'minimize' muscle loss on the other side. It looks like there is an advantage to the injured side in doing so. My doctor did neither confirm nor deny, he just said 'ok, just go easy' Is there any scientific foundation on this? Or is it a myth ? In my case, I started to train only the uninjured side for 2 months, while also doing PT. Then, both sides using different weights, gradually. After 6 months, I started using the same weight on both sides (but on a higher reps/less weight strategy). After 7 months, I roughly recovered strenght and endurance, even though one bicep is still 1cm smaller than the other. Training the uninjured side was clearly beneficial, but did it help the injured side to keep or 'lose less' strenght or muscle mass? Is this myth/bro science or scientific truth? Thanks for your podcast, you are helping me optimizing so many things that were not optimized. I wish I had known all this 20 years ago.


Can amblyopia be reversed? Thank you 💐💐💐

Neuroscience based tools to train the trainers in Healthcare

Hi , My name is Fouad I'm a physician and a teacher. I teach simulation in Healthcare which David Gaba from Standford was a pionner ( I am trying the most neuroscience in the design in my course which is mostly dedicated to adults of course. My point is : Was are the key element that should be mandatory (style of lecture, workshop, simulation of course...) in that type of program. Thanks fo all Fouad France