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Research Study Statistics Question: Baby Girl On the Way - Trisomy X (Triple X Syndrome)

With a new little girl on the way, my wife had genetic testing (blood) done to learn more about our baby's health. Though not conclusive, high-tracing X-Chromosome present indicates likelihood for Trisomy X (Triple X) Syndrome. Hearing this news obviously caused an initial shock, and we immediately started searching for more information to try to understand the impact this genetic error can cause during childhood development. There don't appear to be targeted studies on this syndrome in particular, and where it does show up in studies, it tends to be a categorical finding as opposed to a target variable (I.e., Triple X Syndrome over-indexes in study that was researching premature ovarian failure - Do you have advice on how to compile/analyze/prioritize these findings from a statistical perspective, and when there aren't targeted studies available for a particular topic, do you have a strategy for trying to gleam useful insights from the available material?

Dosage of topical finasteride

You had recommended one ml of a 0.25% solution of topical finasteride for hair loss. I'm having trouble finding a way to get it formulated for a total head application for general hair thinning (no bald spots). 1 ml would be hard to distribute for the entire scalp and would it be effective for diffuse thinning at that concentration and ml's?

Autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases are rampant in my family (Hashimotos, RA, alopecia). "The new study, published in the October 26 issue of Science Translational Medicine, revealed that this bacterial species could trigger the formation of autoantibodies, or antibodies that target the body's own tissues". Reference: ME Chriswell, et al. Clonal IgA and IgG autoantibodies from individuals at risk for rheumatoid arthritis identify an arthritogenic strain of Subdoligranulum. Science Translational Medicine DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abn5166 (2022). If you could please do an episode on autoimmune diseases, I've been eagerly awaiting to hear an episode from you about this :D thankyou

PMDD Treatment; PMDD & ADHD link (part of: female reproductive disorders and comorbidities)

Wish for an episode on PMDD specifically (and its comorbidities f.ex. ADHD). I am self-diagnosed with PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) and ADHD (ADD), the gynaecologists Ive been to so far have not been very helpful. I dont respond well to SSRis. I have found a lecture once in which a percentage of females with PMDD has been said to not respond well to SSRis (which work for others with PMDD), in fact, those females were particularly sensitive to the side effects and taking SSRIs has been a nightmare. It seems to fit my experience. I have been almost diagnosed with ADHD (inattentive), the doctor wavered in the last sittings on the side of negative due to my comorbidities (recuring depressive states/menstrual cycle symptoms; chronic pain, etc) and said, there are so many factors it is unclear if the symptoms come from ADHD. Later on, I have seen articles mention unusually high percentage of females with ADHD being affected with PMDD as well. So this would actually support the ADHD possibility, not work against it, as my diagnoser thought. I believe I have possibly fallen through diagnostics, and likely have both PMDD and ADHD and still live without a good treatment for either of those. Im smart, educated, slow, kind and introverted, so I dont fit the typical image of someone with ADHD. I still struggle with recurring depressive states, overwhealming emotional states at certain times and a lack of drive especially premenstrually. I tire quickly. Seems I have issues with dopamine, on the basis of what Ive leared from your podcasts. This would further support the ADHD/PMDD connection. I am still searching, and without proper treatment/ dont know how many treatment options are there. Is there f.ex. research for ketamine or psylocibin for treatment of PMDDs recurring depressions? Could ketamine been applied f.ex. once or twice a month or so, during the luteal phase? what kind of hormonal treatments are there? What about amphetamines for drive /ADHD if u have PMDD? How to treat best ADHD with PMDD together? I kindly ask to give weight to PMDD (+ADHD) question because there is little or confusing infomation out there, practicioners seem often to not be in depth or up to date, and me alongside a great number of females are still suffering and unsure how to proceed. Suicidality is also disproportiontely high with PMDD. It would be sooo helpful to cast more light on the topic. Please upvote and thank you again so much, all the best to Andrew and all contributors to the series, you're truly amazing!! :)

On caffeine, alcohol and sleep

In a recent episode you outlined that both caffeine and alcohol disrupt REM sleep and affect sleep quality. Do the negative effect compound? If i decide to have a few drinks and know that my sleep is going to be affected can i have a coffee after dinner if I don't struggle to fall asleep or do the two effect compound and I'd be better off avoiding even just one of the two?