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The Kindness Tax

From my humble research, displacement aggression has significant benefits to well-being - despite its obvious moral issues. In a corporate setting, a higher-status person's choice to berate a subordinate reduces cortisol and elevates testosterone/dopamine. Why are good manners and kindness as pervasive as they are? Why has the percentage of psychopaths (those able to fake nice most of the time and lash out tactically) not risen relative to population size?

The Kindness Tax

Huge fan. You've changed my life, btw. With Brotherly Love, Woody

Fragmented sleep

There are lots of podcasts on the importance of sleep but how about those who has fragmented sleep ? What causes it and what to do about it?

both parents have dementia - is it my destiny?

What can I do?


Will you do a podcast on the scientific benefits of journalling