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What are the signals that IF is not working?

Love you and your work, and am so grateful for what you do! I have been doing intermittent fasting pretty much constantly for the past 3-4 years (though I have occasional early meals on vacations or holidays), typically restricting from 8:00pm until 12:00pm. Lately, I have been feeling extreme fatigue, emotional dysregulation and generally “not well.” I’m wondering if there is evidence that IF should be kept to certain time spans or if it should be cycled on and off. In the same vein, is there evidence that it can become harmful or less helpful over time due to any number of possible factors… age, activity, health/injury, hormonal changes, etc.? Is there a recommended protocol for how to adjust and/or evaluate to see what may need to be altered? Thank you so much!!

Sweet Tooth, Sugar Cravings

Could you explain the biological and potentially genetic factors that underlie the development of a sweet tooth and whether these can be modified? Additionally, what are the known strategies like the use of artificial sweeteners, dietary supplements, or medications, for mitigating sweet food cravings and how effective are they in the context of both the perception and the inherent predisposition towards sweetness?

An episode dedicated to shift workers.

I am not personally a shift worker but many of my loved ones are and when it comes to helpful information it is pointed at in the intermittent fasting episode that not many studies include shift workers. There has been mention of how to deal with shift working in other episodes but I think an episode that encapsulates it all would be largely beneficial to our shift working community. p.s. thank you to all shift workers !

opposite-sex friends, and the neurobiology of unrequited love

I’m an astrophysicist by training, and work on ML/AI at Mayo Clinic by vocation. So, in my life, I respond to trauma or fear by studying it deeply. I try to to take anxiety and panic attacks and turn them into academic exercises to understand my responses. I’m incredibly fascinated by autonomic responses in the body, because it reduces the irrational to rational. That said, has the neurochemistry of long term opposite sex friendships ever been explored, where one party is unilaterally expressing what W. Harley would call the “5 needs”, but these needs not returned by the other party? My understanding of autonomic, empathic tuning of those in such a relationship should still result in bi-lateral responses, even when stronger attachments are signaled by one, but are ‘unreturned’. I hope the question makes sense.. I’m not a subject in such a situation, but observing it, and really am curious about the neurobiological responses to both parties in ‘unrequited love’.

TMS as a treatment for sleep disorder

My partner was suffering for insomnia for many years. Nothing helped. After 15 years of struggling she went through TMS and her problem has vastly diminished or even been solved. I'm not suffering for insomnia but despite implementing all of your protocols and supplementation I do not sleep well. I fall asleep easily but I wake up sometimes every 90 minutes during the night. I work out pretty hard and only thanks to NSDR I can still force myself to progress and function cognitively during the day. However I'm quite not busy at my business so one of the major stressors does not bother me. Does TMS have potential to solve my problem too?