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with Huberman Lab Premium

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The negative effects of over exercising and fasting

You’ve spoken a lot about the benefits of exercise and fasting, but I’m curious to hear your thoughts on the negative repercussions over-exercising can have on your body and the physiological dangers of long-term fasting. If someone is struggling with this, how can they shift these negative habits into having a healthier relationship/ routine with diet and exercise?

what’s worse ? cow milk or oat milk ?

one is inflammatory and the other is high in sugar which one should I choose ?

How to control your emotions?

How to keep logic over emotions when facing high levels of stress and not give in to the fight or flight response? For example when trading in the financial markets, fight or flight in a common response but logic (or emotions of Calmness) must preserver in order trade successfully.

Severe eye Hipotonia

Hi! I have stumbled upon the video with dr. Goldberg and I know this might be a very specific question, but I think here is the only place where I can ask it. Context: I am 34 years old and the long story, short I have been diagnosed with bilateral chronic Uveitis and severe hypotonia as a result of a cataract intervention. The Uveitis seem to be the consequence of a VKH disorder and basically we tracked it a bit too late. Had vitrectomy on both eyes with silicon oil insertion, so quite a busy year for me. My doctors tell me the ciliar body is not working properly anymore due to atrophy (on both eyes) and that is what is causing the low eye pressure and and sight loss, but the inflammation is under control. Question: Is there any kind of research, trials etc. on eye low pressure or ciliar body rehabilitation? I keep hearing about exercises and so on but I don't understand if there is something i can do to get my ciliar body in shape again. Thanks a lot!

Do you take research assistants?!

Hello, Dr. Huberman! My name is Elijah Davis. I've been an avid listener of your podcast for a long time now and it has inspired a lot of the research I currently do! This may be a pipe dream, but I'd like to ask if you are currently looking for research assistants. I am an undergraduate studying neuroscience and biostatistics and have done extensive research related to neuroscience, sleep, and psychology. I presented findings on mediators between sleep and suicidal ideation at SLEEP 2023 in Indianapolis, and am hoping to be accepted as a speaker at the World Sleep conference in Rio this October! I also have experience as a managing editor of a research journal as well as in data analysis using machine learning and AI in my current position at Harvard Med. I'd be happy to work as a volunteer or unpaid intern. If you'd be willing to discuss any way I can get involved with the podcast or with your own research please let me know! Here is my contact info: +1(480) 548-1911