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with Huberman Lab Premium

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A remedy for Vyvanse or Ritalin crash

I take Vyvanse (50 mg) but after 6 - 7 hours of taking it I experience a very heavy crash. Is there anyway to decrease the intensity of this crash? Thank you.

Why do you not use a fitness tracker like an Apple Watch?

When do you use your Whoop? How do you use your Whoop? What benefits are you getting from your whoop that you wouldn't get from an Apple Watch or a Garmin Watch?

Too much water

Can you drink too much water/liquid on a day and can that be harmful for health?

Myodesopsias - Eye Health - Prevent and treat

How to prevent and heal Myodesopsias?

Alex Expat living in Vietnam

I have sleep apnea, grade 3 tonsillitis using APAP machine, doing cold exposure breathing NSDR and sun exposure. I am on TRT. My metabolism changed significantly from 50 years old to 30, when I am 36. After loosing 20 kg of fat 6 points of visceral fat so now I am under 10. Should I remove tonsils taking in account all body load and what are the risks? Again this is not medical question but biological. I am a great fan of yours, in fact promoted you to universities where I am invited to give lectures. I am also CEO of pharmaceutical company, who started following functional medicine 6 months ago. Thanks Professor Huberman for changing my life, before you I never listened to single podcast in my life, now I probably listened most of yours and your colleague. I follow all of your suggested routines and today doing my first 24 hour fast. You inspired me to quit smoking, ADHD medication, sleeping pills, alcohol and doing ice bath and 30 minutes of breathing techniques daily. Additionally I have Apple Watch ultra before my VO2 Max went up, but right now I had drop and it’s stagnating, any idea why? (As a trend, I measure it daily walking with my dog around 6 AM ) I went from 130 kg to 105 kg managing to increase muscle, again main cause was sleep apnea, which so many people don’t pay attention. I had 80 episodes and my testosterone was converting in estrogen and then dropping 50% daily (30 norm I had 150). Currently with APAP no episodes, zone 2 cardio daily 7 km, two strength and resistance training a month Too much info due to huge respect and gratitude for what you do