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FASCIA & Chronic exertional compartment syndrome

How do we maintain and improve our Fascia’s health and functionaly? Any knowledge on CECS is a bonus :) The Fascia seems to be a regularly dismissed or unexplored Area of the body. Yet it is interconnected throughout all our organs and muscular skeletal system. My interest in the fascia was sparked from two exercise induced injuries of my own fascia as an athlete. ‘Chronic Exertional compartment Syndrome’. And of course. Would love to see an episode on the Fascia but totally understand there might not be enough reasearch on this yet. Thanks Andrew.

How to approach your GP about regular blood test when you're considered healthy, hence in no need of those?

I live in the NL, where the primary role of GPs is to gatekeep the healthcare system. As a 34 year old woman without major health issues, I find it very difficult to have access to regular health monitoring and assessment, even as simple as blood tests. I have come to a point where I barely rely on my GP. I have an inside tracker account, track my sleep and fitness activities and use a CGM to get data and evaluate where improvements are needed. It costs me from a budget and an energy stand point. And frankly I lack the expertise and knowledge to interpret accurately the data and understand what actions to take. Ideally I'd like to have the support of my GP especially on those matters: hormone balance, lipid levels and glucose management. The 1st one is a total blackbox to me, and the 2d and 3d ones are on the edge of not being ok. How do I approach my GP to get her to give me regular access to the appropriate blood tests and to support me in the process? Many many thanks!!

Exercise stages

There has been amazing content on how to train. My question is can you break down how you should approach a training cycle? Can you go over how to set up continuous improvement, and even tapering for a big event? I have an endurance event in two months I do every year, and it seems I never really peak quite perfectly. Can you break down how to train throughout the year with improvement in mind, and how to peak for an event?

Stare gaze during conversation

Hi, I have been noticing more and more with people that when they are talking to you (being engaged in a 1 on 1 conversation) , they have this empty look through you. This is not the same as “avoiding eye contact”, this is different. It’s simply a look “into the void, through you”. When this happens, what is happening in the person’s brain - is she/he still focused on the conversation and how much of the info you are conveying to them can they actually perceive? Any thoughts on that? Many thanks, Nusa

Normal total testosterone high free testosterone

I noticed that my ration of free to high dose is 12% Total 468 Free 56 I stop the TRT supplement 1 years ago That seems a bit high Usually it should be 1-2% Any ideas why ?