Ask Me Anything

with Huberman Lab Premium

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There have been a few questions on osteoporosis. Most have no idea they have osteoporosis so is there a way to know if this is happening to us early on? Also what does the research tell us about stopping, reversing or possibly never being effected by this quiet disease which effects so many? You break down the best protocols so well when presenting information, can you do this for osteoporosis? It seems you often present information without any gender differentiation. When you don't mention gender in treatment protocols does this mean there is no difference in how to look at the information? I always thought creatine was just for body builders, and I can imagine the same bias of thought goes with women thinking it should only be taken by men. Can you better address biases like this when talking about protocols so all genders can better consider what to do with the information you provide?

Exercise routine for people over 70

Please advise on exercise routine for people particularly for women over 65. with the goal of maintaining muscle mass, strength, balance and flexibility, and overall health. Regrettably, I started to exercise only after 40, more regularly after 55, but never even close enough to the very vigorous protocols you, and your guests, describe/recommend. I am in overall fair health, but find these protocols unrealistic for myself. Having bordeline osteoporosis is added concern, and ian ssue to address. Thank you

MDMA and liver condition PSC (primary sclerosing cholangitis)

What are the effects of MDMA on the liver, and particularly on someone with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)? Is there an increased toxicity risk for someone with PSC that suggests NOT taking MDA in therapy-guided sessions (1-3 sessions)?

Interview with Sarah McKay

In episode 5 you mentioned Dr. Sarah McKay, who studies the effects of menopause on the brain, including disruptions in temperature regulation, changes in sleep regulation, and emotionality. Can you please interview her about that topic? As a woman who was abruptly plunged into menopause after surgery, and who is unable to take HRT because of the type of cancer I had, I'd also love to hear Sarah's advice on how to successfully navigate menopause without HRT. Thank you! I love your podcast; it's so wonderfully informative. Emily

Smelling Salts and Other Potent Olfactory Stimulation

Hi Andrew, Are there health detriments to using smelling salts during a workout or throughout the day for a desk job? What are the mechanisms behind these substances? Does wasbi operate through a similar pathway? I'm wondering if adopting a post lunch wasbi pea or smelling salt might help kickstart the afternoon workday. Thanks, Jeep Miles