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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Sleep training for babies

What is the best protocol for how babies should sleep? Co-sleeping, sleep training, cry-it-out method, etc?

Glutamate - OCD

I recently read that research out of cambridge university showed a disrupted balance between GABA and Glutamate in OCD sufferers. Apparently 'OCD sufferers had higher levels of glutamate and lower levels of GABA in the anterior cingulate cortex, compared to people without OCD'. ...'The results suggest new strategies for medication in OCD based on available drugs that regulate glutamate. In particular, drugs that inhibit presynaptic glutamate receptors'. I was wondering if there were natural ways to perhaps balance these neurotransmitters and regulate (glutamate in particular)? Thanks

1-2 mile speed training

Thanks for all your work. I’ll see you in Chicago soon. It sounds Iike you ran cross country like I did years ago… My question involves training for 1 to 2 miles at fastest time. Is there a protocol that is ideal? My fastest time ever was 4:59 for 1 mile. My 11yr old son is running XC now and he’s almost at 6:00 for 1mile. How can I train to get to a 6min mile or for 2 miles. I can probably suffer through a 7min mile right now at age 45. 8-8:30 is a comfortable pace for me. Thanks!

Is ubiquinol a worthwhile supplement for athletes and or people that are on statins?

I understand that ubiquinol can be helpful in promoting mitochondria production, especially in compensating for negative effects of statins. Is this true in any way and could it possibly help athlete performance by increasing production of mitochondria? Thanks, Rob

Kratom turned things around for me.

I am not of an addictive personality. That said, I feel I am addicted to your podcast. The knowledge I absorb is unmatched by any and all of the podcasts I listen to. Many thanks for all your hard work. I would like to plant a seed for thoughts on an upcoming show. You have a number of requests for information on the mechanics of Kratom as a supplement. I've succeeded in life despite a tendency towards anxiety and perhaps a bit of ADHD. The struggles with these issues have been ongoing, but recently I found a breakthrough supplement that I now swear by -- Kratom. I believe many others might benefit from hearing your thoughts and analysis of this plant extract. I take one capsule of OPMS Black every morning. A calm focus all day is the result.