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Low HRV - how to increase this

I like to believe I am a very healthy person with very good habits. I have been having trouble sleeping for the last year (even after following all your tips) and my HRV is around 30-40 which is concerning. My body feels like it’s in a constant fight or flight mode which I hear is a symptom of low HRV. How does one get their HRV up? Is my low HRV causing bad sleeps or the other way around

Micronutrients, Supplementation, Routine Labs

I follow a very balanced and healthy diet and fitness routine. Recent blood work for micronutrients showed I was normal or higher on all vitamin levels, excellent cholesterol, A1c, and thyroid are normal. I am a fit and active 47-year-old woman with no medical issues, medications, etc. I do juicing and follow a plant-based diet. Should I still consider supplementation if I get everything I need in my diet, even with my normal micronutrient levels? I also just signed up for InsideTracker based on your recommendation, and I am starting with the InnerAge test with the many biomarkers to get a look at overall well-being. I hope to repeat these tests every 6-12 months. Do you have any recommendations to monitor overall health and well-being on an annual basis?

neurofeedback & ADHD

Could you talk about neurofeedback devices in Adhd?

What are your thoughts on Infrared Sauna vs traditional Sauna?

What are your thoughts in regards to Infrared Saunas and claims that are made that they are healthier and better then traditional saunas or steam rooms? Do they provide the same heat benefits as 85 degress Sauna session followed with cold exposure?

Peptides for ACL reconstruction rehabilitation?

Is there a particular recommended protocol for ACL reconstruction rehabilitation, or any ligament injuries you would recommend? Specifically of interest would be your views on PEG-MGF which has some ACL specific research available; but also BPC-157 and any other useful peptides.