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Yoga Nidra and Myoclonic Movement

Hi, I’m a teacher and practitioner of iRest yoga Nidra. Can you explain Myoclonic jerks as it relates to sleep states as well as potential underlying pathological issues . What causes them to occur during yoga Nidra compared to having underlying medical issues ? Thanks PS: love the podcast !

Calculating SAFE minimum morning SUN in Florida, age, and skin type

Pre 9:00 am sun exposure (no sun glasses or creams): How to calculate SAFE minimum in Central Florida, 74 years old, one MOHS of cheek Basal cell, Forearm skin VERY SENSITIVE to sun (Flat round white spots). Eyes without glasses even here? My former Derm once said, ANY suntan is sun Damage. Dear Drs. Panda and Hattar both have darker skin, I have Irish/English/German skin, few freckles, no red hair. How do I figure this out? Have been doing morning sunbaths since 4/22 since I saw Dr. Sehult's video, Light as Medicine.

Central serous retinopathy

I've been to optometrist, ophthalmologist, retina specialist, all say " no cure, chill out and do yoga". I'm hoping you have a better answer. Thank you


Retired law enforcement. Suffered alcoholism and diagnosed PTSD, mainly from some childhood traumas. I had trouble sleeping for years. I entered an alcohol treatment facility (Warriors Heart) 5 years ago. I had great success and I'm sober to this day. While there, I was prescribed Trazodone to help me sleep. I became dependent on it to sleep...for almost 5 years. After listening to your podcasts on sleep and supplements, I started stacking Apenigen, PharmaGABA, L-Theanine, and Glycine before bed, and weened myself off of Trazodone with great success. I sleep every night. However, I have very vivid dreams since starting these protocols...all related to some weaknesses in my life...some perceived and some not. I wake often, but mostly fall back to sleep. However, I feel unsettled over it. Any ideas? Thanks from've helped changed my life...

Supportive and recovery treatments

I've recently joined an amazing wellness gym which, beyond having excellent training facilities, has a number of recovery treatment options - hot/cold contrast with a cold plunge and thermal pool, traditional sauna, IR sauna, red light therapy, cryotherapy, hyperbaric oxygen chamber, PEMF mat, Lymphatic Compression (Normatec) and Red Light therapy. These are all included in the cost of my membership. The catch is, that due to my schedule I can only make two days/three sessions per week (two mornings and one evening). The question is, how should I use my time among these therapies? Which of them are known to be the most beneficial? Which of them require ongoing use (eg. I read sauna up to 4x per week is beneficial), are any of them useful as one off, or intermittent use? For context, I am 39 and outside of this gym I usually lift two days a week (alternate snatch/clean/squat), ~3-4hrs of zone 2, reformer pilates and a basketball game.