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Skateboarding and high impact recovery, short/long term

Lifelong skateboarder here, 36yrs old Left the track of career skating years ago and now focus on fun and friendship. I work in creative art/manual labor all day, climb and skate in my off time. That being said from time to time while skating I’ll take a slam, albeit more rare than someone more focused on hucking daily and getting clips. Perhaps you are familiar with the phenomenon of taking a heavy slam that almost “feels good” knocks the boans loose, boost some (adrenaline?) and keep skating! However the next day is often not pretty, stiff, sore, immobile… My core questions are: Like alcohol; 0% intake is actually best. Is there no amount of slamming that is “good for you”? Or perhaps is there an amount of moderate impact that may strengthen and keep our bodies tough? I’ve wrecked motorcycles, been hit by cars while riding bikes, fallen off of moving machines. And have yet to break a bone and have taken very few trips to the hospital. I jokingly tell people this is due to the ability to fall properly from years of skating. But beyond learned body movement does a potential ‘toughness’ generated from slamming hold any weight or is this just damaging, period and one should continue to avoid falling as much as possible? I’ve much to ask beyond this but fear I’ve already rambled too much! Thanks for all you do! I’ve been attempting to go deeper into your catalogs to learn much more about being healthy and intentionally strengthen as I age, you’re truly a gift to this world!

Is it possible to speed up the removal of caffeine from the body?

I love caffeine, but any amount I drink, even 12 hours before I go to sleep, still has an effect on how well I sleep. I heard on the podcast that it has to do with cytochrome p450, a liver enzyme that is mostly controlled by genetics. My question is, can we have an effect on this to potentially boost cytochrome p450? I see on Wikipedia a number of things that might alter P450 activity, such as Saint John’s Wart, Watercress, Starfruit Juice, Goldenseal, and tobacco. I don’t understand it enough to know if any of these might boost cytochrome p450 activity and potentially help clear out caffeine from the system quicker, leading to a better nights sleep. Thank you!!!

Repair the blood brain barrier

I have family members made ill through toxic mold exposure. They are better now, but a persistant problem is brain fog, confusion, and motor dysfunction - described as a "slam," when exposed to toxic substances, such as tiiny amounts of endotoxins from certain molds (mostly stachybotrus), and chemical toxins, not felt by most people. It seems to consistently happy in certain environments rather than situations. These tiny amounts can even be felt on objects or they can react to some people as well as buildings. The theory is that their blood brain barrier has been compromized and is "leaky." Does they make sense? If so, is there a scientifically backed way to repair this? Or is there likely another explanation.

Athletic Greens/AG1 is a total Scam

Hi, Andrew. With all due respect, have you done extensive research on Athletic Greens/AG1? I'm no doctor or expert by any means, but I've read up on it and watched some interesting YouTube videos by experts (or, at least, people who claim to be experts) who say it's an incredibly under-dosed and inneffective scam of a product. I also understand that podcasters who promote it get 30% commision of each sale, which is something I imagine may have hooked you initially, as that is a massive financial incentive for inluencers as popular as yourself and Joe Rogan. I'm convinced it's an absolute ripoff, and I hope that you will recognize this and stop promoting the product, or at least provide some of your own deeper research, as you are an all-things-wellness podcaster. It just feels contradictory of what you stand for and, for me personally, it diminishes your credibility. Sure, it will be a big financial loss for you to abandon this company, but I'm sure you can find other more honest products to be pushing. Here is a video for reference. I hope you will talk about this on your show. Thank you

Double chin

I know double chins comes off the same way other fats do, as you lose weight overall. As well as double chins aren’t always cause by excess fat but genetics can play a role. Are their any exercises that actually tone the under chin?