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Clarification 4 growth

43yr old female. Pilates /Spin Instructor Foster Care Program Coordinator Former addiction to drugs (heroin (dc) meth or coke occasionally). Clean from illegal substances for over 6 years Still smoke and drink as 6 months Bipolar disorder at 32 Undiagnosed ADHD until 37 In and out of treatment centers and mental hospitals I have listened to every single episode. Many of them 3-4 times. I want to get better. I see progress each year. It’s not the progress I desire. In your pods you mainly speak to people who either have not struggled to the extent I have? Or people who are already somewhat disciplined people. What about those of us unlearning? Can you do an actual entire podcast to describe in detail the process it takes for us? I went to meetings for almost 19 years. I HATE THEM. I love learning about my brain. How to rewire it? How to retrain? Why it does that? What can we do from a negative starting point? I work with foster kids & bio parents to transition to adoption. I want my mind 💯 so my heart can be the same. I’m tried everyday. I can’t remember anything without meds. Why don’t you ever talk about what it takes to truly walk out of that? The level of surrender it takes to do stay with therapy till the root is found Or when the root is, it still takes a level of discipline we as gratification junkies need Also what level does religious or spiritual abuse play into rewiring the brain? I’ve been sexually abused, physically, mentally, verbally and emotionally. I have yet to find something that compares to the pain of spiritual abuse. It’s a different kind of trauma. I’m sure you are one of your people will disregard this question as you have before. You say ask anything, but respond “we get tons of questions” I wonder if I was some navy seal willing to do ice baths with you if you would answer. Do you really want to help people? Then answer these? Walk into your local homeless shelter or NA meeting and ask, How many people fear life die to spiritual abuse? How many people can’t move on due to the level of betrayal not level of addiction. Why do you not have anyone one who has actually struggled? I get you want it science based. I do too. Can you not find any scientists who have actually lived through what they are researching? MILLIONS OF PEOPLE RIGHT NOW ARE USING TO ESCAPE A MIND THEY CANNOT ESCAPE. I never once used to just get high. I just wanted it to be silent.


If sleep apnea ruled out, what are other common causes/solutions for snoring? Asking because my husband is a chronic snorer, and it has deleterious effects on my sleep. He is not overweight, already sleeps with a mouthpiece, which only modestly helps. While I know it affects my sleep almost every night, is it affecting him as well? Would love a deeper look at causes and solutions! I’m guessing some allergens are at play, since a sleep study only revealed modest sleep apnea, and doctors/dentists generally chalk it up to age(62), otherwise very healthy.

Yoga - Benefits for strength training

I don’t hear much discussion about yoga in your podcasts. Does yoga qualify as strength/resistance training? If not, why not?

vagus nerve stimulator to calm the anxiety

There are quite a few gadgets out there to claim that stimulate vagus nerve can calm the anxiety and improve sleep. I would like to know your opinions on this type of device. Many thanks!

Scoliosis - how to build muscle to improve curves?

Idiopathic scoliosis is prevalent and non-surgical treatments are few. When I was a teenager, my orthopedist recommended to avoid exercising, which I now understand was harmful. What is the current science on how to non-surgically improve or at least stabilize scoliotic curves by weight lifting? I'd love to see you interview an scoliosis exercise specialist one day as well. Thank you!