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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Please clarify your use of Rodeola Rosea

Hi! I've heard you mention the adaptogen rodeola rosea on 3 different episodes. The first episode, I recall you saying that you used it before strength training. In a later episode, you seemed to revise that, using the logic that taking an adaptogen prior to strength training could be counter-productive. Most recently, in another episode, it sounded as if you are again using it prior to strength training. Could you please clarify what you consider to be the proper use of it, and why? Thanks for all you do & give.

Do you have any research showing use of concentrated oxygen and or use of ozone?

For years I've used an oxygen concentrator post-workout and ozone in my water in the mornings and sometimes in the evenings. I haven't done any other therapies using ozone at this time but I am curious if you have discussed this on your show or what your thoughts are regarding these two powerful tools to help with all-around health.

Redundant and complementary effects of supplements in similar pathways

I'd love to hear a rundown of how different supplements affect different parts of, say, the acetylcholine or dopamine pathways. For example, in the pathway: Choline+Acetyl-->(CHAT)-->Acetylcholine-->nAChR/mAChR stimulation-->(AChE)-->Choline+Acetyl .and given a list of supplements such as: - Choline, AlphaGPC and other forms of choline - Nicotine - ALCAR - Huperzine A - Rhodiola and other herbs having an acetylcholinesterase inhibiting effect How can we combine supplements to deliberately target different parts of the pathway, and avoid unintentionally overstimulating or depleting certain parts of the pathway? Also, do you have any concern that stimulating these pathways causes long term adaptive downregulation?

Neurotyping based workouts

Hello Andrew. Can you please share what is your opinion about neurotype based workout approach? The theory is that your baseline levels of the three neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine) strongly influence your personality and dictate how you should train and eat for the best results. Is there any truth to that? If so, how important is it to get the best results from your workout and nutrition regimen? Thank you!

More frequent AMA

Hello Andrew, First of all, thank you for the fantastic work you are doing. I understand it must be extremely time-consuming, so I am a little hesitant to ask, but given the number of questions here, might it be possible to increase the frequency of AMAs? Perhaps twice a month? It would be amazing to see some hope that our questions might actually get answered sometimes.. Thank you!