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Biometric readers and CPAP

Hello, I have been using WHOOP especially to track my sleep. There is an issue with recovery and using CPAP which I have addressed with WHOOP but they haven't given me any solution. It seems that my recovery and HRV seem to be lower when wearing the CPAP. I was wondering if you would explain the reasons, and if my reportable recovery with WHOOP is affected by this. Thank you so much!

Meditation to improve disassociation/maladaptive daydreaming

Hi Andrew, Thank you for your work. I struggle with dissociation massively, I excessively daydream to the point I am constantly having out of body experiences, where I am unaware of what I am doing in the present moment and consumed completely by my dream/ traumatic experience. This dramatically affects my performance in exams and studying, with relationships and my social life to the point it has made me almost suicidal. I wanted to ask if there is anything you would recommend to help my with my issue, particularly if meditation could help, and if so what type? Thanks, Sunny

Premium Transcripts

I am missing premium transcripts for episodes 1-4 and 8. Please advise how I can get access to the transcripts since I sign-up for the year. Thanks, Marcel I love the quality of these podcasts

What "Emotion" or "Sensation" are we wired for?

Andrew.... I'm looking forward to this answer... People these days are inclined to mentioned we are "wired" or inclined to feel a particular emotion as a primary respond... Based on previous learnings and teachings from you I know we are "wired" for survival, safety, and connection (bonding)... However, some other people argue we are wired to feel pleasure and joy instead. Can you please pin point me to the latest research that shows what are our natural inclination prior to being exposed to social experience? Thank you!!! Sincerely, Adriana G.

Secondary Cataract Cleared Fully After 3 Day Fast?

Hey Dr. Huberman, Couple notes on my eye history and then my recent experience. - At 18 (2000) I was legally blind for a few months and diagnosed with the autoimmune disorder VKH. - Vision has been functional for me since - most people don't know my challenges with vision unless I tell them. I haven't had a flare up for over 15 years. - Had cataracts on both eyes. Cataract surgery on one eye in 2012. - Eyes aren't great under a scope but would require a medical degree to make a long list of present issues. - Over a year ago I developed what doctors have confirmed was a "secondary cataract" after I noticed very blurred vision that had cataract surgery years ago. On July 23rd I started a 3 day fast. On the 26th while I was driving, I suddenly became aware that I was actually able to clearly read license plates and signs that there was no way I could read before. Even the eye with the cataract is now seeing clearly through a cloudy cataract - if that makes sense. Another bit of personal proof of improvement is I have season tickets for the Durham Bulls so sit in the same seats every game I attend. Yesterday was the first time I could read the scoreboard no problem and actually track the baseball and clearly see the game. I've tested my ketone level regularly since the Fast began (3 day fast is my kickoff to starting the Keto diet) - and have been in ketosis since day 2 of the Fast. My guess is, maybe being in ketosis has done this? And, if I get out of ketosis, will my vision blur again? Also, do you have any other information on maintaining or improving eye health for someone in my situation? I deeply appreciate all the help you give. Billy