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Please in view Beau Lotto

Beau Lotto is a world renowned neuroscientist specialist in perception and biology. This book is Deviate : The science of seeing differently He would fit very well in your podcast. I am sure you know of him… Claudia

Zone two, 30 mins. Not possible.

While many advocates (for what clinical data?) that one should get 150min of Zone 2 cardio, anyone who has run for 30mins with fixed speed know that your heart rate will go up after a while. Unless you slow down or even start walking, otherwise, the heart rate will pass way off the zone two. Not aware of any software + device tracks the mins in different zone. What is a good rule of thumb then?


How and when to take creatine effectively/safely.

How Hot is Hot

Understanding that traditional hot sauna between 175°F and 220°F is necessary for the level of heat stress to produce all of these great results for your body, is there an equivalent submersible hot water temperature (hot tub) that would achieve the same results?

SSRI Genital Numbness

I was on a SSRI medication, while on the medication I experienced sexual side effects, one of those side effects was genital numbness. Ive been off the SSRI for well over a year now, and Im still experiencing genital numbness. What can I do to fix this?