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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Choosing Supplement Companies

How can we determine what supplement companies are the best? There are so many and most of them all say they’re tested by multiple parties etc. Prices vary on the same product depending on companies. Is there an effect on taking tainted supplements. Thanks

How to balance between abundance mnemonic for muscle hypertrophy and controlled starvation for longevity?

Hello Dr Huberman It will be an understatement to say that your podcasts have changed my perception on a variety of aspects. Thank you. I have two questions - 1) I have heard Dr. Sinclair talk about restricting calories and fasting to trigger all the longevity mechanisms, and I have heard you, Dr Galpin and others mention about certain amino acids that is required for muscle hypertrophy(taken either as supplement or through food). How do I balance between the two? To have my body on the longevity path is there a timing that I should choose to introduce amino acids and creatine and other performance/hypertrophy boosting supplements/food? 2) when you talk about fasting and muscle hypertrophy can you touch on the protocols for pregnant women or women wanting to get pregnant

Knee care

Knee and back pains are common concerns among the elderly. What are effective ways to possibly cure or manage their pain? How can middle aged or younger people take care of knees?


Hello Dr Huberman. I was wondering if you could go over the benefits of the supplement luteolin. I have started taking it recently because of long covid brain fog and wanted to make sure there aren't any detrimental side effects of daily use. It seems to have helped me fight brain fog so im hoping that I can continue to take it. Thank you for your time.

Ozone Treated Water and the Microbiome

So, I was at a workshop recently for the new "Lead and Copper Line inventory" per the new LCR (Lead and Copper Rule) which aims to get rid of lead and copper water lines (and galvanized steel) within 15 years. At this workshop, of course, we talked about all things water. In my home, I only buy Mountain Valley Water in glass- it is treated with Ozone instead of Chlorine. The use of chlorine with necessary coagulants causes a potentially carcinogenic biproduct. These residuals are monitored and stay under certain thresholds but knowing how delayed the EPA and state agencies are to catch things with delayed symptoms, is chose to avoid it altogether. When talking about this Ozone Treated water with the speaker on break, he asked me if i worried about how serious of a oxidizer it was. I never got to hear much more about why he would ask this*** Due to personal issues with certain biomes in the body, this question stuck with me. I have searched Google Scholar and am not finding any studies on this topic and was wondering if you had any thoughts or access to studies that I wouldn't. Their water quality report says that the alkalinity is 190mg and the pH ranges 7.2-7.4 (not sure if important but good ranges to me) Ozone turns back into Oxygen quickly, as well... My question " Does ozone treated water effect the biomes of the body?" Your feedback would be greatly appreciated! - Gal axy 🌠🌃