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Re: ACL Tears x BEAR Implant

Wondering if you could give an analysis of the BEAR (Bridge-enhanced anterior cruciate ligament repair) implant method for ACL tears. Pioneered by Dr. Martha Murray, this procedure leans on human regeneration to repair the torn ACL. A really interesting development in the reconstruction methods for this devastating injury. The "gold standard" patella method leaves patients at high risk of considerable, permanent osteoporosis within ~10-15 yrs of surgery, which this new procedure would mitigate. I wonder how it will take hold within the elite athlete community in the coming years..

IV infusions

Are they a legitimate way to boost your performance and i.e. energy levels or do the substances from infusions (vit b12, iron etc.) flush out your system and it's only a fad?

Fadogia and Tongkat Ali - Supplementation for young men and perimenopausal women

At what age is natural supplementation recommended in young adults (16-25) - specifically men. Supplementation includes creatine, ahswaghanda, omegas, tongkat ali, fadogia, zinc etc (asking for my boys who have asked me to ask you? Is Fadogia and tongkat ali supplementation recommended for perimenopausal women - I have no free testosterone and no overall testosterone but all other clinical values (estrogen, progesterone) are good. Thank you for the best podcast that all my family benefit and learn from! Salma

Skincare - highest impact interventions

How can common skincare issues (acne, redness, dryness) be effectively treated? What are the most robust treatments? What's the consensus on novel treatments (peptides, ceramides, light therapy etc) or indirect treatments (diet, exercise, sunlight, salt water)? How can someone get personalised skincare advice?

Best Ways to Fight Off Respiratory Virus

There are a number of questions related to already being sick with the common cold and how to best manage it (sleep, exercise, diet, otc meds, cold/heat exposure, other supplements)? What should you do or not do when you’re sick?