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Elysium Health

What are your thoughts on the various Elysium Health products? Can their Matter (for the brain) product actually penetrate the brain barrier and/or otherwise make any real impact? Same for their mitochondrial related products, Signal and Basis? Do they have enough of the related Nicotinamide Riboside and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, NMN (250mg) to actually do anything or are they selling a product based on some science results that they can point to but actually won't make a material difference due to the dosages or manner in which it is given?

TRE benefits? Does vigorous shaking or vibrating work to release trauma.

What are your thoughts on TRE (Trauma & Tension Releasing Exercises)? It was developed by Dr. David Berceli. The idea behind TRE is that mammals naturally engage in shaking or vibrating to remove stress or trauma from the body. Being a dog lover you've likely seen Costello shake his body from time to time. Dr. Bercelli believes that human mammals have trained their body and brain away from this natural phenomenon but can be easily retrained to allow this natural reflex to be expressed in a safe and controlled environment. TRE or vigorous shaking or vibrating releases trauma from the body and returns the body to a state of equalibrium. My question is "does it work"? Is there anyone who ought not to do it (People with Parkinson's perhaps). Can this benefit be achieved by the use of those vibrating exercise machine which were popular about 20 years ago. Maybe invite Dr. Bercelli on the show as well to have him explain the phenomenon. I'd appreciate your thoughts.

90 minute cycle shift from chronotype for keeping optimal sleep

Given that sleep stages occur in 90 minute cycles and my natural chronotype is 12:00-8:30, given by Oura, and I want to start waking up earlier in the morning would it make more easier to shift back 90 minutes to say waking up at 7:00 and going to sleep at 10:30 or does the 90 minute cycle not have an affect on how we can shift back out clock? Or should I just naturally shift my clock back 30 mins every 4 days or so?

Can I get my dose of sun whenever I wake up?

Can I get my dose of sun anytime I wake up in the morning as long as it is first thing or does it have to be at sun rise? Thanks!

Can duration, path and outcome analysis be used to heighten the level of alertness and focus?

I’ve been re-watching your podcasts and organizing the knowledge from them so that I create my own practical toolkits to boost focus and learning. Here is a summary of what I’ve learned from your very first podcast, 'How Your Nervous System Works & Changes' (plus some other episodes): 1. Learning is basically a change within nervous system so that some challenging motor or cognitive tasks become easier and more reflexive. This change is available thanks to our neuroplasticity. 2. To achieve self-directive adaptive neuroplasticity as an adult(typically age 25 or older), two critical factors are necessary: focus and deep rest. 3. Focusing, or paying attention, means you bring your perception to analyze duration(how long something is going to take or should be done), path(what you should be doing), and outcome(if you do something for a given length of time, what's gonna happen). 4. When you focus to do something deliberately over a threshold, accompanied with agitation and failures, our brain receives some signals that something is challenging and we should change to survive. 5. Reacting to the signals, first, epinephrine is released to give even higher level of alertness. And second, acetylcholine is released to highlight which neurons were activated or deactivated during high level of alertness. 6. But we should take a deep rest, like sleep or non-sleep-deep-rest, to consolidate those changes(LTP and LTD) in the nervous system. No actual change is made during the focus, but during the deep rest. Even 20 minutes of deep rest can help faster learning. While summarizing I gained a lot of knowledge to learning in terms of our nervous system. So I want to be more focused when I do a specific task and learn something. Then, I’ve come up with some questions: - “By deliberately analyzing DPO of my small but challenging task, I can achieve heightened alertness and focus.” Does this statement make sense? - Are there some effective ways to measure my level of focus(or attention, or alertness) in daily life, quantitatively or qualitatively? - About DPO and measurement, would you recommend some research papers I can read further?