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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Intermittent Exercise

What would be the benefits and drawbacks of doing small workout sessions throughout the day. For example, one could work a muscle group and then return to working. You clearly don't recommend this based on your previous episodes, but if it is a potential way to get more done throughout a busy day, does it help or is there something you should be careful with or more aware of?

Not enough deep sleep

Hi Dr. Huberman, Your best practices around sleep management are great. What do you recommend for people whose sleep metrics show a low level of deep sleep? I measure mine on my Apple Watch using Apple's Health App and the Autosleep app. Thanks!

Weekly Sex & Casual vs. Committed: What's the Difference?

I've been curious about two facets of human sexuality. Firstly, is there any research or recommendation on the optimal frequency of sexual activity for general well-being on a weekly basis? Secondly, from a biological perspective, are there any distinct differences between engaging in sex with a long-term partner compared to a casual encounter?

Neurodermitis and Allergies

Chronic caffeine intake increases hyperplasia in rat ventral prostate

At least according to this study: Chronic caffeine intake increases androgenic stimuli, epithelial cell proliferation and hyperplasia in rat ventral prostate ( Would you consider this as a good quality study and can this be in any way generalized to humans?