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Cardio, fat burning and fasting

Is it most efficient to do cardio while fasted (either low or medium intensity) AND not eating for a good number of hours afterwards (4-5) if you want to considerably lower your body fat percentage, or does that make no difference versus when you do cardio non-fasted? I've listened to your podcasts on 'How to burn fat' and the episode with Andy Galpin on this matter, where it sounds like the latter option would be true, but then found another video from you on another podcast where you say the best protocol is to do a hard cardio session early in the day and not eat until noon or 2pm. I learned from the podcasts that, if the goal is fat burn, it doesn't really matter how much fat you burn during exercise but rather what you ingest afterwards (so more carbs and little fat so the carbs go right to storage) and what your total caloric intake is, but I didn't really find an answer on how to time feeding post-workout to maximize calories burnt from fat and lowering your body fat percentage. So would the first option (cardio workout fasted and not eating for 4, 5, 6 hours) combined with a healthy and disciplined caloric intake, be the best way to lose fat over the long run or does the timing not matter all that much? thanks for your insights

Liver health

Could you please consider doing an episode on liver health? Thanks!

breaks and studying during exam period

i am a law student from germany and shortly before my final exams: these are 6 exams which take 5 h each in a period of two weeks. What interests me is the period immediately before and during the exams: 1. does it make sense to still study in the week before the exams? i have heard that new learning material can "overlay" the old and so one might not have full access to all of ones knowledge. 2. does it make sense to study (ie. recall the material) during the exam period? here of course the same question arises again. Or would it be more beneficial to simply relax? Would love to hear your take on this one!! Best Marc

Yoga Nidra, NSDR and scripts

The Virtusan, Youtube's yoga nidra and you tube's NSDR scripts are all different ( more or less.) Does it mean we only need to have a body moving attention routine that cover the whole body, will we be able to achieve the same result. The Virtusan you have given are drastically different from Madefor. Just curious.. Thank you.

What TYPES of smoke are harmull for babies and little children? (Incense, third hand smoke, Esfand)

I fear my babys lungs are being damaged.... My wife comes from Iran the old Persia. Since the time of the Zoroastrians they're are in the habit of burning large amounts of Esfand also known as Peganum harmala, commonly called wild rue, Syrian rue, African rue, esfand or espand, or harmel). She burns this every week. When she does large amounts of smoke get released. After conducting research online I found that smoking, burning candles or incents has harmful effects to the lungs of small children. How about esfand?