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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Is there a forum for online interaction among followers of Huberman podcast? If not, would you consider making one?

Is there a forum for online interaction among followers of Huberman podcast? I'm in the Ask Me Anything screen and I realize I have questions I don't need Andrew Huberman to answer but feedback from other followers of the podcast would be helpful. Specially, in this case, I was thinking about input from other listeners who sleep on a futon regarding compatibility with eight sleep.

Does voice in background during sleep mess up sleep quality?

I find it easier to fall asleep if I listen to something - a podcast, an audio book, etc. I use Acoustic Sheep, which is a comfortable soft headband with flat speakers, while dropping off. I connect it to iPad or phone but position those where I don't see the screen - sometimes just cover the screen to get rid of the light. A result is that after I do fall asleep, there will be background talking. Not too loud and not enough to wake me up. Is that likely to interfere with quality sleep? Once or twice I had a dream that appeared to related to what I was listening to on the podcast. I have not really noticed it causing a problem, but wanted to know if there is any research or if you have an instinctive reaction.


Hello! I’ve recently become aware of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). I was wondering if that could be a topic of discussion. Prevention, reversal of , etc… Thank you!

What gives you energy?

If caffeine simply suppresses adenosine, and does not even negate adenosine buildup in the body, what substance actually gives you energy?

What Can I Do To Prevent Cancer Recurrence

I have been diagnosed with breast cancer twice, at 34 and 43. I had chemo, radiation and lumpectomy at 34 and chemo + bilateral mastectomy + risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy ( RRSO ) at 43. I am now 45 and thriving but the question about prevention still haunts me. What do I do to support my body and mind so that the cancer does not come back? I realise that my both most recent surgeries do not 100% guarantee that I will never get cancer in other parts of my body.