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What should your mindset be during cold exposure?

What should you think when doing cold exposure? Should you think I can do this, this is good for me, because I can do this I can do so many other strenuous things. I think these type of thoughts would be considered part of a growth mindset. What if you think this is too cold, I can't do this it is uncomfortable, I'll press on because that's what I should do? I suppose if you have these thoughts, then you wouldn't be doing cold exposure for long or it won't be as effective?

Nutrition in Foods available in India and southern part of Asia

What dietary recommendations would you propose for individuals in regions such as India, considering the prevalence of fried dishes, parathas and curry-based vegetable dishes? Could you kindly furnish a curated selection of specific foods along with their corresponding nutritional profiles? Typically we eat rice, dal, wheat chapati and few vegetables. Your insights in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Hairloss podcast

I recently sent an email to info@hubermanlab regarding your hairloss podcast. I think I'm made some interesting discoveries in this area and would love an opportunity to discuss this with you.

Heavy marihuana use in adolescence

Dr. Huberman, First of all, thank you for everything you do, it is truly amazing! I have smoked marihuana throughout my teen years. Started smoking when I was 14. At 16 I started smoking it every day, and I also started doing heavier drugs like ecstasy, amphetamine, cocaine and psilocybin mushrooms. I haven't used them heavily like marihuana, but still, I used them occasionally (once every two months or so, in some periods I used more, and in some less). I stopped doing heavy drugs when I was 19 (except mushrooms, I still used them occasionally), but I have continued smoking marihuana. I should mention that I smoked at least 1 gram a day, sometimes up to 10 grams with friends, so pretty heavy use. I stopped smoking it last year, after 8 years. To say I fried my brain would actually be an understatement. My question is: Are there any tools, or a way to reverse the effects it had on my brain? Is there any hope for it? Thank you in advance for your answer, and once again thank you for everything you and your team do! Best regards, Srdjan

Long-Term Impacts of Multiple Supplement Intake on Kidney and Liver Health

Dr. Huberman, I greatly value your expertise and have a question regarding supplement intake. I'm currently taking Ashwagandha, Mg, D3K2, Omega-3, Creatine, Vitamin B, and AG-1 on a regular basis. Could such a regimen pose any potential risks to the kidneys or liver over time?