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Juvenile neuroscience

Can you do a podcast on what neuroscience says about juvenile offending and potentially any effective programs to mature/develop the mind out of offending? If this is not possible, are you able to point me in the right direction of neuroscientists that work in this area? My passion comes from being an ex-offender who is now a lawyer and reformist. I am looking at bringing answers back to the Youth Justice system in Australia. Kind regards Richard Brooking

Most recent studies and discoveries on ADHD, ASD and High-Abilities/Giftedness (HA/G)

We know that "neurodivergent" people have changes in their brain structure and behavior that affect different areas of their lives, like low social ability for ASD, hyperfocus on ADHD and ease of learn for gifted people. But it would be a great content to have all the recent developments on our knowledge about these conditions as well as new treatments and approaches to better include them on our society, overcome their deficiencies and improve their specific abilities usage. Also, review some new evidences of the impact of these conditions on people's daily lives, the increased propensity to manifest problems like substance abuse, relationship difficulties, depression, burnout, loneliness, etc, and other related impacts.

Cognitive Decline

Please educate us about cognitive decline


How does light therapy affect cognition?


What are the best ways to handle excess sweating and why does it happen? A lot of answers for axillary and hand/feet hyperhydrosis, but very little info available for groin sweating which causes major disruption and embarrassment for people who suffer