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Cold exposure for Thyroid health

Can you help me find data on how cold plunge can help a ‘sluggish’ thyroid? My blood work shows that I am on track for Hyperthyroidism and i am following orders from my naturopathic. I weight train 4 days/week, I run ~30 miles+/week, I’ve eliminated gluten, dairy, and increased specific supplements, along with 6min of cold plunge (Ice Barrel with a chiller, temps average 46-50 during these hot PHX days and mid-30’s during the PHX winter) 6 days/week. Can you help me with any direction on how I can manage this condition? The only advice I receive is to incorporate the actions I have already incorporated. It’s a lot of information. I totally get it if you bypass this question.

Surviving in Today's Economy

With the rise of inflation and the cost of living many people find themselves struggling to make ends meet, including myself. I'm currently a single male living in Toronto, Canada. barely making ends meet. With mounting debt I'm in the position where I had to pick up a second full time job. I now will work an average day job and then work in the night, while managing to squeeze in about 4-5 hours of sleep from Monday to Friday in the evening. I get that sleep is important and crucial, but this solution is not long-term and once my debt is settled I will quit working in the night. In the meantime, I would like to keep my health together so what would you recommend?

Hypothalmic Ammenoherea

I have suffered from Hypothalmic Ammenoherea for over a decade, I am well aware of the female, athlete triad, and it is something that I suffered from over a decade ago when I was admitted for anorexia nervosa. My question is… I have gotten my body fat all the way up to 25%, and have significantly reduced exercise dozens of times over the last decade. do you know of any cases in which people are never able to recover from Hypothalmic Ammenoherea? Because I have yet to find an endocrinologist, who can help me, and obviously. do you know of any cases in which people are never able to recover from Hypothalmic Ammenoherea? Because I have yet to find an endocrinologist, who can help me, and obviously, the health risks associated with long-term. Cessation of your period as well as my body functioning like that of a post menopausal woman at only 32 years old due to my current hormonal markers is not ideal. I have all that given up hope, so I thought I would subscribe to this to request this question of you do to the wealth of knowledge that you provide us every single week. Any and all insight that you have is greatly appreciated

What do you think about Bryan Johnson and his anti-aging science?

I was wondering what you thought about the age reversal and anti aging experiment that people like Bryan Johnson are doing?

Tendonopathy and Aging

We hear about sarcopenia as we age. I am fighting hard against Father Time. I am a follower of you Peter Attia, Rhonda Patrick , Tim Ferris as well as the many guests you all tap into on subject of longevity healthspan and fitness. I am a lifelong fitness devotee. Up until a few moths ago I could still squat and bench 225 as well as a host of other decent results for a 62 year old. I’m 175 lbs, 13% body fat, VO2 max of 48 etc. I can do more than 20 pull ups and even more dips. 50 pushups is still part of my routine. I quit drinking, follow a good nutrition and supplementation regimen. But despite all that, all of a sudden my connective tissue has started to fail. In the space of 6 months I’ve ruptured my left quad tendon , torn my right MCL and Medial meniscus as well as osteocytes in my right quad tendon. Upstairs I have an inflamed or torn right rotator cuff as well as tendinitis in my left brachialis. In short I’m falling apart. All this after a lifetime of being relatively injury free. My activity level and frequency has been consistent throughout. Aging is inevitable and we can’t defy gravity. But I do wonder what that science is related to aging tendons and ligaments and what if anything can be done to slow the process. So in a word that is my question