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Supplementation Stack

Hi, Is this a good daily supplementation stack? Magnesium (300mg) Zinc (30mg) Omega 3,6 & 9 (1000mg) - Fish Oil - Barage Oil - Olive Oil Himalayta Mentat (970mg) Any additional supplementation you would add? GOAL: General health and wellbeing.

RLS - Restless Leg Syndrome

What are the research and studies on Restless Leg Syndrome?

Idea for an episode (and guest?) Big Five Personality Traits vs Neuroscience

hello, the Big Five personality model (extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, openness [to experience]) has seen widespread use in psychology research, and is grounded in statistically significant observation of how we can roughly describe people, the so called "personality". i was wondering what is the crossover to be done with neuroscience regarding these five traits, and especially what are the chemicals/mechanisms in people's brain/body that can predispose them to have certain traits and not others? other ways to frame the conversation: how to assess these traits? to what extent are these traits stable? to what extent can one change their personality? and finally how would it be done? i am not sure but an ideal guest for such a conversation would be Jordan B. Peterson who has taught students and researched for many years about the Big Five personality model. (and he wasn't already a guest here, unless there's already something coming) thank you.

What do you really think about anti-depressants?

What do they do to the brain long term? Do you believe that moderate mental health conditions (i.e. not schizophrenia etc, but including severe anxiety and depression) can always be overcome with the mental health protocols you traverse (when doing the protocols are within a person's capacity, financial or otherwise)? The mainstream discussion around anti-depressants doesn't seem to be particularly nuanced. A few medical doctors seem to be openly against them (e.g. Doc Amen) but most don't seem to go there. Is this only because of the risk involved in dissuading people from taking them? Surely it is not good for a person's brain to be taking mind altering drugs for an extended period? Would love an episode on anti-depressants specifically.

Parkinson's Disease

Please do an episode on parkinson's disease - the causes, management of symptoms, and ways to prevent or slow it down. I have heard the University of Sydney in Australia successfully using infrared light for PD treatment, and others talking about Parkinson's and eyesight, exercise is known to help. Of course it's a dopamine disorder and you've given so much information about dopamine, this would be a wonderful addition. There are many of us who either have PD or have a family member, friend, or are at risk - your science based wisdom would be so welcome in this community.