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I do cold plunge every morning for 4+ minutes at 38 degrees. I have been doing this for 3 months and my body seems to be less impacted to the point I could stay in the plunge 5 minutes or longer. I love CWT, it's really had a great impact on my health, particularly with inflammation around my knees and joint. But am i doing it too much to the point it is less effective? Should I limit how often I get in the cold plunge and do it less frequently.

Cold exposure and tiredness

Once I have taken a cold shower for about three days after but not immediately after I feel really tired especially on the second day where I get home from work and will fall asleep on the couch. Is there a reason for this feeling of tiredness? I have a Fitbit so can check my heart rate and this does not change. I go to the gym and do both resistance and cardio yet I still have this tired feeling after taking a shower

Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners: all about ‘em. Thanks for the awesome podcast!

homonymous hemianopsia

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I have shown before, but I think I am not the only one, but thank you for such beautiful information that you shared in possible to understand. About 14 years ago, when I was 19, I suffered a cerebral haemorrhage due to an arteriovenous malformation in my left side. So on the right side, I now have homonymous hemianopsia and aphasia. Since then I've been looking a lot about how things work in your brain/lifestyle/hormones/nutrition etc. And I've learned so much from you... I was just curious if there are any tips for homonymous hemianopsia because you know that your brain is always flexible... I've already tried several workouts to try to stimulate it, but not much help yet. Do you have any tips for this? Thank you in advance, Michiel, NL

Cardio within sauna (HotWorx)

Effectiveness (mortality risk, etc.) of exercising in the sauna? The sauna is the only modality I can get my heart rate well over 180bpm (I am 50), but the infrared heat maxes at 130 fahrenheight