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Preventing / Cause of hunger after ingesting Marijuana

I enjoy marijuana due to help sleeping but I have noticed that it always causes me to overeat. Can you explain why it causes you to be hungry and what you can do to limit the "munchies"

How soon is TOO soon for cold therapy?

I know that getting in the cold tub shortly after hypertrophy training has detrimental effects on that training. I have heard you say that waiting 6hrs is the magic number. Here is my question - can you get into the specifics of what is gained and lost if someone lifts heavy weights at 6am and then has deliberate cold exposure 60-90 minutes after finishing that workout? There are still benefits to the cold water immersion therapy. But the benefits specifically on muscle hypertrophy may be attenuated. Can you elaborate? Is it better not to soak at all if my soak is within 2 hrs of my workout?

Teenagers, preworkout and dopamine

Just heard your Dopamine podcast, I’m wondering if you can dedicate an episode to PREWORKOUTS. And effects on dopamine and depression or anxiety. Many teenagers are in the lookout for the big post weightlifting pump, or improving performance through the use of preworkouts . There are so many out there, including some with banned substances- even these are commercially sold to anyone and young adults. I want to know the link between excessive use, and by excessive, I mean daily use of Preworkout and the effects on dopamine, anxiety, focus, motivation. I feel there is a line where it can be used and also, not every preworkout should be used. It also depends on the goals and what the sport is. But also there’s a hiperfocus on the one sport and then no interest on other activities like school or socializing. Thanks so much!

How do super rainy / overcast days affect circadian rhythm?

How to Overcome Sleep Inertia and Anxiety in the Mornings

I have struggled with sleep inertia for years as well as a high degree of anxiety upon waking in the mornings, regardless of how much sleep I received the night before. What are some evidence-based strategies for overcoming these problems, assuming that the quantity and quality of sleep are sufficient?