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What scientific evidence supports the link between childhood trauma and health issues in (older) children and adults?

It is obvious (to me) that the mind-body duality is an illusion and a product of my own brain wiring. However, I continue to see this duality in many if not the majority of my co-humans' brains. To what extent has science investigated and demonstrated (potential) correlations between early childhood trauma, such as physical and sexual abuse, and specific medical conditions occurring in (older) children and adults - beyond the ACE study? What is the state of the art regarding an integrated psychotherapy / physical ailment approach and by what scientific evidence is it backed up?

Why do I have cold feet and cold hands 24/7?

Hi Andrew, I'm a 26-year-old female who has cold hands and cold feet 24/7. I don't have low blood pressure. I just did a recent blood test and my hormones are all normal. I don't have Raynaud's disease either. Do you know what could be causing my cold hands and feet? And what are some protocols to help fix this problem? Thank you!

ADHD, Anxiety and buPROpion

Diagnosed with ASHD at 44, so many things made sense. Started Viyanse and saw / felt huge improvement in daily life. However, recently changed medication. BuProPion to treat anxiety and ADHD. I didn’t find a lot of liters on this, but I’d like to know if the use of buPROpion is recommended for ADHD symptoms and anxiety. What would the effects on the long term and it can be taken for long periods? To treat my symptoms I also follow a healthy diet, no drinking, smoking g, practice infrared therapy and cold therapy. I’m concerned on negative effects of these medication. Thank you

Tools, Protocols, Tips for Staying Healthy/Fit after birth of newborn

I have a baby on the way at the end of the year. Given the lack of contiguous sleeping hours and other challenges that come along with a newborn, what are useful strategies to employ to remain as healthy and active as possible?

Gout & Uric Acid

My real question is how does gout happen from a mechanistic standpoint, how does uric acid form? Are there strategies for mitigation uric acid and gout? Here a few specifics of my own scenario that is driving this question. I am a 32 year old male, I have been dealing with Gout issues for the last 6 years. I haven't eaten red meat in 3 years and I haven't had a single drink of alcohol in over 12 years. But if I were to take one bite of red meat, I would have a gout flare up within 2-4 hours. If i fast longer than 72 hours I have a gout flare up. I realized this is very specific but the doctors I have seen would rather prescribe medicaiton that understand the cause of the issue. I am not aking medication and dealing with this through diet, but I would love to understand the mechinisms to craft a real plan to beat these issues.