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Traumatic Brain Injury

I find myself confused about truths related to the long-term effects of TBI's especially after reading and watching content from Dr. Mark Gordon who claims that PTSD is pretty much always the result of a TBI. Any insights into living with and treatments for TBI's? An episode on this subject would be great!


Coming soon is kinda vague. What's the ETA on transcripts? TY


How can I increase dopamine in the mesocortical circuit naturally... What tools?

Raw meat and vegetables vs cooked

Hello. I was wondering if we can get an episode where we discuss the benefits, pros and cons of eating raw meat or vegetables vs cooking them. Are there any nutritional benefits? Any improvement to absorption of nutrients? What are the risks? Is it worth? Thank you

Memory Palace

Can you make an episode on the Memory Palace or atleast explain it... These memory champions clim to be using it. How it does it work