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Weightlifting as Zone 2 Cardio

Hi, Dr. Huberman! You and Dr. Attia have obviously expounded on the benefits of zone 2 cardio. I’ve always wondered, can bodybuilding-style workouts act as a form of it? After all, the relatively lighter weights for higher repetitions and shorter rest times tend to elevate heart rate - but not to the same degree as, say, a top set to near failure on one of the “big” compound lifts - for extended periods of time during the workouts. Thank you very much!


Hi, Andrew! I read lots of books, sometimes I make abstracts, but I don’t use that knowledge and thus I forget all the material. I studied mnemotechniques, but it’s not very practical, I just want to pull interesting facts or ideas in conversations, when it’s appropriate. What do you recommend? With deepest sympathy, Nicholas Samarin

Cold/warm bath after the workout

Regarding to research which you shared with us, that taking the cold bath after the workout (especially strength) reduce our benefits from workout. So my question is, from which water degree level it didn't work for our benefits? If I do shower after workout in 20°C (68F) degree water, it also reduce the benefits? Or cold water we are saying when is below 8°C (46F)?

Effects from being outside in nature

Hey Huberman, What effects does the scientific literature describe from being outdoors in nature? Sunlight is obvious, but what about the calm sounds, watching wildlife, green colors and other stuff?

Creatine and low carb diets

Hi Andrew, love the podcast. Do you know if it’s still worth taking creatine if you’re on a low carb diet? Noting that carbs/glycogen stores are more effective for performance than burning fat (so you’re already at a disadvantage in some ways), is there any point?