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with Huberman Lab Premium

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The Science behind Sneezing

Why do we sneeze when we stare at the sun for too long?

Any reliable food sensitivity tests?

Hi, Are there any tests that I can do to understand my sensitivities towards food? Basically the less I eat, the better I feel. Anytime I eat something (whatever it is) I feel some tiredness, which I never feel when I don't eat or fast. Thank you !

Hearing Loss

Do you know of any promising new research for those of us with sudden hearing loss (inner ear/damaged hair cells) that could one day lead to a cure?

Bladder Pain Syndrome

In the recent episode with Dr Rena Malik, the topic of bladder pain syndrome did not come up - except perhaps tangentially by the pelvic floor health. As an adult male with this chronic condition for over 4 years, I find myself exhausted (pain from the condition) and isolated (this is a condition that is primarily associated with women). Any advice or guidance would be deeply appreciated.

Advice for young scientists

Hello Andrew, Thank you for your exceptional efforts in making science accessible to a broader audience in a clear and practical way. Moreover, thank you for being a role model for (young) scientists. I am curious to know your insights and guidance for young scientists, especially concerning the future landscape of academic research - and the brain drain to industry. How do you think this will shape the future of science? Would you advise people to stay in academia? And how to deal with comparison in science? To me (an average postdoc), comparing myself to you (a science rockstar) makes me feel like I'm not making a real contribution to the field. Hearing you compare yourself to the professors in your building and your own experiences with comparison (in the podcast episode with Tony Hawk I think) was very reassuring.