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Right vs left amygdala and negative vs positive inclination and amygdala highjack

I have two questions about the amygdala that I've been curious about lately. A course that I took a while back presented the concept of amygdala hijack and the negative and positive emotions inclination of the right and left amygdala, so my questions are: 1. Is the right amygdala more negatively inclined, while the left amygdala is more balanced (both positive and negative)? 2. Is the concept of amygdala hijack correct? Meaning that in the state of hijack we lose 75% of our cognitive capacities. I appreciate your input and any studies you could point me toward that detail these two ideas.

Asymmetric Movement - Long Term Musculoskeletal Effects

Have you discussed the impact of long term participation in sports with highly asymmetric movements? I'm guessing that popular sports like baseball and tennis have been studied but also considering skateboarding and other board sports. I've skateboarded since I was 15 and I remember for most of my 20's my left calf was noticeably larger than the right since I'm goofy (it's balanced out recently since I don't skate as much). I've also developed severe arthritis in my left hip and it seems like a result of repeated pushing and carving with weight on my back foot. Would love to hear about any studies you're aware of as well as personal stories of how people overcame these issues. As an aside; I'm sure we've skated together in the 90's since I lived in your area (I'm a 96 LAHS grad). I'm trying to remember that guy at Greer going on about ice baths :) Satindar Dhillon

Cortisol, hormones and micro biome tests

What are the best ways to test cortisol (throughout the day) and hormones (female and male)? What about microbiome — any reliable companies you can recommend?

Healthy and recommended alternatives to milk

Hi, a few days years ago I removed milk from my diet and replaced it, first, with almond milk, and then Oat-milk. Recently I watched a series of videos and read articles to the effect that oat-milk is a scam and has negative effects on blood stream and health. I monitor closely my sugar in my blood and. I don’t know what would be the best thing to drink instead of milk and nut/oatmilk. Any recommendations? Thanks.

Eating in the middle of the Night

Does eating in the middle of the night, 3 hours after going to sleep and 3 hours again and can we change that so I don’t ?